Little Grasshopper
Yipeyaihoo, Rahvin strikes back. Every time that he posts somethig I can feel, smell, hear, taste and touch the silence in the board, and after a while, there are some echoes of ppl expressing their agreement or astonishment. Yep, my pride lets me to express my agreement too (thank you, pride, for your support).
What can I say about the Rahvin's "Anthology of Love", after all? Some things, though. Long were the years that passed for the psichology studying the human wishes, the will, and all related to the human patterns of the behavior. Isn't easy to extract a valid theory to explain them, specially in the love field. And only the conditions talked about themselves: everybody need to feel loved and everybody wants to love, don't matter the culture, race or countries.
Some scientists doctored in psichology concluded that there's something related to our common sex instinct, based in a part in that animal behavior. The scientists don't give us the absolute truth, but obviusly they have passed years observing and studying, so it seems the most objective way to put our sight. Anyway, there were so many theories about this fact that became an issue indeed, but none was the synthesis everybody expected. (You can look for the theory of the homeostasis and many more, or even there are some chaotic theories, but they are so unusual and less strict, though).
The fact is, and this is the point, the three pieces of cake in which I divided (in a too general way) the love we can recieve, are needed depending on the culture, the country, the race... but the 90% on the person and his lacks. As Rahve said, the three parts are differents, of course, but all so needed for us.
Another important point: that three pieces of cake (I'm hungry, aaargh!), despite are needed by equal, the trascendence of each one has a variability depending on the age. The soulmate is so important when you're a teenager, but when you're 50 maybe it isn't so.
Finally, Rahvin said something I believe too: the "soulmate" is an important fact of life, and everyone seems to found their lives on it. "When you get married, all is done". I hate that idea, it's not that way for me. I feel I need someone by my side, and there is nobody 'cos nobody diserve it, I'm looking for some intelligence to interactuate with!!! And then, there are a lot of things to do, hidden treasures to found...
@Rahvin: How many years did you pass studying english?
|ngenius (posting his thoughts fast 'cos today was a hard day, excuse me for the boring introduction)
What can I say about the Rahvin's "Anthology of Love", after all? Some things, though. Long were the years that passed for the psichology studying the human wishes, the will, and all related to the human patterns of the behavior. Isn't easy to extract a valid theory to explain them, specially in the love field. And only the conditions talked about themselves: everybody need to feel loved and everybody wants to love, don't matter the culture, race or countries.
Some scientists doctored in psichology concluded that there's something related to our common sex instinct, based in a part in that animal behavior. The scientists don't give us the absolute truth, but obviusly they have passed years observing and studying, so it seems the most objective way to put our sight. Anyway, there were so many theories about this fact that became an issue indeed, but none was the synthesis everybody expected. (You can look for the theory of the homeostasis and many more, or even there are some chaotic theories, but they are so unusual and less strict, though).
The fact is, and this is the point, the three pieces of cake in which I divided (in a too general way) the love we can recieve, are needed depending on the culture, the country, the race... but the 90% on the person and his lacks. As Rahve said, the three parts are differents, of course, but all so needed for us.
Another important point: that three pieces of cake (I'm hungry, aaargh!), despite are needed by equal, the trascendence of each one has a variability depending on the age. The soulmate is so important when you're a teenager, but when you're 50 maybe it isn't so.
Finally, Rahvin said something I believe too: the "soulmate" is an important fact of life, and everyone seems to found their lives on it. "When you get married, all is done". I hate that idea, it's not that way for me. I feel I need someone by my side, and there is nobody 'cos nobody diserve it, I'm looking for some intelligence to interactuate with!!! And then, there are a lot of things to do, hidden treasures to found...
@Rahvin: How many years did you pass studying english?
|ngenius (posting his thoughts fast 'cos today was a hard day, excuse me for the boring introduction)