Any bands need a singer?


lady of black swordhand
Dec 21, 2004
Newbedford M.A
I am a 23 year old female singer who is looking for a project with a band in the north eastern part of the U.S.( or just about anywhere if the project is serious enough)
my influences include: Dreamtheater, SymphonyX, Sonata arctica, Sinergy,Dark moor(old), Blind guardian,..the list goes on and on.
i am currently recording an album with my band, but am seeking musicians with deeper dedication for thier craft.
you can preview my voice at and you can email me from the site if you wish to post privately.
thanks :)
You have a nice voice. My first impression was that you sound like the band Atrox....but more Allen sounding with the vocals.

Sorry if that wasn't helpful.....but have you heard of Atrox? The song I listened to sounded quite a bit like least to me.
Excellent voice, reminds me of Johanna from Amaran actually (as if you needed any other comparisons). Unfortunately I'm not in the New England area, but I wish you the best of luck. It's hard to find dedicated musicians.
Interesting...your from New Bedford. So am I! I am the singer in my band, so we don't need one at the moment. Would like to have someone teach me some trick and tips. I don't think I'm very good, but it is really important to me that I improve. would you be interested in showing me some things I could do to improve? BTW, have you tried It's kinda hard to get through to them because they are all friends. So if you can get through the fuck you's and the you are gay posts, you might be able to find something.
i havent posted on NBrock because im looking for musicians who play prog- metal or power, and im pretty sure i wont find any there...that site mosty has emo, and indie stuff and im not into that kind of music.

sorry, i dont realy have many tips on singing, ...i guess all i can say is sing from deep down in your diaphram to get more power, open your mouth wide, always remember to breathe. i guess thats it. i see you at the Newwave when Polaris played the other night?
Freyja said: i see you at the Newwave when Polaris played the other night?

No. I didn't go there. I have told a couple of members in my band about you guys and we will go see you when you play next. I like your's too bad your looking for another band, I think you might have something with these guys.
cool...we play again on march 18th, at the new wave.

and belive me , i want nothing more than to stay with these guys, but the drummer and bass player dont want to tour, and if we got signed to a record label, that would obviously be a big problem..i need musicians who are dedicated..but it seems increasingly clear that there are few out there that are.
it's true. It is important to have member that have the same goal in mind. My brother and I started our band, and we made it crystal clear to other members that we were not interested in trying to "make it". It was for the love of it, and that's all. Now if a buzz or something happened, there was room to compromise there, but I, and everyone else in the band, knows that it is such a longshot. My lead guitarist has done the touring thing, so it's out of his system. As for me... I'm looking to make sure my web site is top notch, and to get as much feedback as I can from people who listen to the songs we have.