Hello, I'm mad-fucking-bass. Nice to meet you!


New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2007
Mayville, Wisconsin
Yes, I am madbass. I am a pianist, bassoonist, guitarist, bass singer, saxophonist, and many fuckin' more things. And, I'm a true-metal enthusiast!

I'm into power metal, death metal, black metal, blackened death metal (especially), industrial metal, grindcore, doom metal, thrash metal, avant-garde, Neo-classicism, Classical (mostly Romantic through Contemporary). I like many types of music. I hate Nu-metal, and other things that are "un-metal"

My bands that are my fav's include: Burzum, Origin, Children of Bodom, Hypocrisy, In Flames, Kataklysm, DAATH, the old Dimmu Borgir, Yngwie Malmsteen, Iron Maiden, Dragonforce, Dreamtheater, Helloween, Metallica, Slayer, Buckethead, Sonata Arctica, and that's only a few for now.

Anyway, fuck you later!:flame: