Any chance of another solo?

Black Tears

Still in the Dark
Sep 27, 2003
Maybe something has been said about this already, but I'm not really a regular around here. :)

Has Dan made any plans of releasing another solo album similar to Moontower?
Novembers Paul said:
He also said he was done with Edge of Sanity, and growling, and Crimson 2 was given to us. Anything's possible! Maybe if we keep asking, he'll change his mind. ;)

I think he changes his mind also without us asking often enough ;)

Nah, actually what I gathered from conversation with Dan is, that it only seems so random this and that project to us, but Dan has his own mind and plans in which everything fits perfectly together :) Also he doesn´t tell always everything :p

And concerning the original question, I read that only_this what was on Moontower did suit his own demands to something that would be released under the pure name of Dan Swanö. On the other hand he said to me once that instead of Crimson 2 could aswell been Moontower 2 :dopey:

Excerpt from my Interview:
Konzi-Tip: I was thinking about steadiness in your work, because often you say that a project is dead and suddenly it comes up again..
Dan: Yeah!
Konzi-Tip: Or you say that “I´ll never do that again” or something like that, but now I found an old interview from 1999, from “Ill Literature”. You mentioned already there, that you have the idea of a “Theme-Album, like for example kind of Crimson 2” ;D So I wonder, that maybe it is not so unsteady as it looks to outside. It is growing in your mind but you tell those things very late. So for us it comes always surprising. Or something completely unexpected.
Dan: Because I am trying always to have - like I told you about these little boxes. I have to put up this imaginary metal-album with lots of keyboards in order not to freak out whenever I write a really good solid metal-riff. If I don´t have any place to put it, I get frustrated. And that´s when I start all these little projects. But I´ve learned now to calm down a little bit and put them away. And have like… “maybe-I-could do”. And once this riff is growing, all of a sudden you have a project.
And I could say, if it wasn’t for the reception of the fact that I was about to make a new EDGE OF SANITY-Album, I would probably have made an album that would have been maybe the follow-up to “Moontower” or something. Because some of the riffs in there was not EDGE OF SANITY-alike stuff. So when everything happened around EDGE OF SANITY - “Crimson 2”, was a bit turbulent time, I had to make up my mind very fast if I want to do another EDGE OF SANITY [album] or not. And it was a question about selling 1000 or 10 000 albums, with the same stuff on it. And I felt that the time of the being “betrayed” so many sales for the “I”-album [by NIGHTINGALE] and bits and pieces of the “Moontower”, just one more..... I felt: not again!
I am not doing this “metal-thing” which I think it can be pretty hard on me, and not sell any albums. So this time we gonna play by the rules of the record-industry, also. Gonna give them - the big one. And they are gonna make the big advertising, they gonna print the shirts, they are gonna do the big ads.

btw, Paul, if_I_get a ticket for one day only (those are not on sale yet) I wanna come to see November´s Doom at Prog Power in Baarlo :) Great record you did with TPHD!
November´s Paul:
alrighty then :)
I know about Rotterdam, but I come from Germany. For going to Baarlo, I just jump over the border, because it´s not far away from my place, about 2 hours, while Rotterdam means crossing half of the Netherlands ;) But also I wanna see Throes Of Dawn at the festival =)

And you know that you could be in for a slot when there is Crimson 3? Dan says you´re pretty close to his growling voice ;)
I think a follow up to Moontower would take too much time for me. I would not settle for anything less than something that blew it away...and it just to face the fact, Moontower is one of the best, if not the best, metalrelated album I have made (will ever make) so the chances of me topping this without having the burning desire to make that kind of album ....not gonna happen. I rather focus on bringing the world more Nightingale and Second Sky albums and let them take more time to make them even more perfect than before.
That is both sad and good news. A new Moontower would be great and it's a pity that you don't have a desire for something like that but it's also great that you're working hard on bringing us more Nighingale. Never listened to Second Sky. I guess I need to do that.
burton said:
That is both sad and good news. A new Moontower would be great and it's a pity that you don't have a desire for something like that but it's also great that you're working hard on bringing us more Nighingale. Never listened to Second Sky. I guess I need to do that.

Hey Burton,
Second Sky isn't released yet, so there's nothing to listen to for us at the moment. But it's in the vain of Unicorn. You should check out Unicorn - Emotional Wasteland if you have the chance.

I would have wanted to have that! And for this price from a 100% - seller.. Are you the buyer? Next time you see this, let me know before please :loco:

I have a copy from Dan (thanks again!), but I would like the original, too, if the price is affordable.

And Unicorn, I recently remembered your old title "I want a record deal" and now you have one and are touring ;) - so that´s pretty nice, ain´t it?
Unicorn said:
Hey Burton,
Second Sky isn't released yet, so there's nothing to listen to for us at the moment. But it's in the vain of Unicorn. You should check out Unicorn - Emotional Wasteland if you have the chance.

Oh, okay. I'll do that then.