Any chance you guys could post some G-Major patches/settings?


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I know both you guys (guitarists) use a G-Major live, and Pat told me you use them for some harmony parts. I have no clue how to set up a patch to harmonize in 3rds, and I was wondering if maybe you could post the patch/settings you use for that, and maybe some good ones just for straight lead playing. Any settings or tips would be much appreciated. :rock:
Ill try to post some as soon as I get a little time. I got home from NAMM this morning and we leave for tour tomorrow...but I should be back in 2 weeks.
dude, i set mine up yesterday, its fucking piss easy.

Double tap pitch to get into the pitch menu, then set it to shifter, then set what pitch shift you want eg 300 cent. then change the other settings to suit. I set mine to 100% wet as i run it in parallel mode with the powerball's loop send set at around 25% as this is the only way to get it to sound good with the powerball imo.
porph said:
dude, i set mine up yesterday, its fucking piss easy.

Double tap pitch to get into the pitch menu, then set it to shifter, then set what pitch shift you want eg 300 cent. then change the other settings to suit. I set mine to 100% wet as i run it in parallel mode with the powerball's loop send set at around 25% as this is the only way to get it to sound good with the powerball imo.

So 300 cent = melodic 3rd intervals?
ihave27frets said:
i havent forgot about you! ill try to get them on here in the next few days.

Haha, good deal man! I was pissing around with the pitch shifter this weekend and I couldn't get it to harmonize in thirds, I'm retarded.