any creativity left ?

I guess you've also never tried to teach a 10 year old who can't recognize when his guitar is slightly flat or sharp from concert pitch, or who's tuner was accidentally set on a number above or below A=440 and can't hear the difference. I'm with SyXified on this one, I really think to knowingly discern differences of less than 1/2 step apart, you'd have to have a more than layman's grasp of pitch.

This is a good example. I have to add that I dont feel with a better grasp on pitch that anything good would come from less than half steps. Theres is harmonic issues involved. This is why some notes harmonize and others are just horrendous. Getting out in the middle of scale tones is only going to sound like an instrument out of tune. People have possibly adventured as far in to that as possible with whammy bars, pick scratches, string bends and "the Moog" and subsequent variations there of.
Is it really possible to be truely creative today ?

Could someone actually write a new kind of metal song ?

or is everything just derived and fused from various sources ?

"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through chinks of his cavern." - William Blake
I agree with a lot of what SyXified and Razor are saying. The fact that 960 pitches exist does not mean that finding a pitch that is truly original exists.

Personally, I feel like creativity exists in the actual experience of music. The feel, the emotion, the message, the chords, the lyrics, etc. etc. If all of those things add up to something expressed by an artist that is meaningful, than I think that's creativity. We are at a point where originality has to come from the person playing the notes, not the notes themselves.

No one is going to pick up an instrument and put a few notes together that the world has never heard. It's all been done. The only new thing left at this point is to toss sounds/styles/scales together that haven't been combined before to invent a new style of music. However, is this originality, or simply the addition of previously creative pieces?
If it sounds good and feels good, I could care less if I've heard it a million times before. When it clicks, it clicks. I agree with Eyeball...the creativity is in the complete musical experience. The same could be said for the visual arts...the human eye can only discern a finite amount of colors, yet when a piece(we'll say a painting in the case of color) reaches an individual in that unique way to evoke a connection between the artist and the viewer, it's an original experience. And isn't that the ultimate goal of any artist in any genre? create some unique connection with an audience...maybe evoke some minute level of catharsis. It doesn't need to be some new sound or new shape or color to be's the complete artistic experience that's ultimately original...not necessarily the tools.
Way to be closedminded.

Right, I'm sure you're listening to Javanese music on a regular basis. There are too many theoretical constructs in music to entertain them all. At some point one has to take a realistic look at the culture of music he will be writing for and try to be creative within the confines of being reasonable.

It's funny I always get flack when I'm talking about a song for 'over-analyzing' it or digging too deeply into what makes it work - and then you want composers to be sitting there going 'what do you think works better in this chord, an A at 440Hz, or 10 cents sharp of A?? I'm sure everyone is going to notice and care on that level to make it worthwhile (he said with great sarcasm).
If it sounds good and feels good, I could care less if I've heard it a million times before. When it clicks, it clicks. I agree with Eyeball...the creativity is in the complete musical experience. The same could be said for the visual arts...the human eye can only discern a finite amount of colors, yet when a piece(we'll say a painting in the case of color) reaches an individual in that unique way to evoke a connection between the artist and the viewer, it's an original experience. And isn't that the ultimate goal of any artist in any genre? create some unique connection with an audience...maybe evoke some minute level of catharsis. It doesn't need to be some new sound or new shape or color to be's the complete artistic experience that's ultimately original...not necessarily the tools.

Very well said. I agree completely.
Right, I'm sure you're listening to Javanese music on a regular basis. There are too many theoretical constructs in music to entertain them all. At some point one has to take a realistic look at the culture of music he will be writing for and try to be creative within the confines of being reasonable.

It's funny I always get flack when I'm talking about a song for 'over-analyzing' it or digging too deeply into what makes it work - and then you want composers to be sitting there going 'what do you think works better in this chord, an A at 440Hz, or 10 cents sharp of A?? I'm sure everyone is going to notice and care on that level to make it worthwhile (he said with great sarcasm).

Culture is a huge influence. Some people have the ability to maintain a completely open mind and ear, but it's the great minority. It's hard to get past your conditioning. I may listen to Hungarian wedding music and say, "hmmm, that's interesting", but I'm not going to attempt to condition my ear to listening to something I find initially unappealing. Call me naive, but I think most people will feel the same.
yes I suppose it was a silly question but something I've always pondered none the less. Music is always evolving and there are bands that have their own signature. Im just wanting to have a relevation.... revealed to me of course.... then I can be a rock star, fast cars, wild women, crazy times...... lol

I'm more thinking along the lines of a different rythmic groove than tonally, Im quite happy with our western scales and harmonies
yes I suppose it was a silly question but something I've always pondered none the less. Music is always evolving and there are bands that have their own signature. Im just wanting to have a relevation.... revealed to me of course.... then I can be a rock star, fast cars, wild women, crazy times...... lol

I'm more thinking along the lines of a different rythmic groove than tonally, Im quite happy with our western scales and harmonies

You're an old schooler like me for the most part...try something challenging...maybe Psyopus or Dillinger Escape'lll quickly satisfy your need.:heh:
im a big fan of western harmony, although the odd scales section in guitar techniques is sometimes interesting, this month i believe it was indian pentatonic!
You're an old schooler like me for the most part...try something challenging...maybe Psyopus or Dillinger Escape'lll quickly satisfy your need.:heh:

I cant tell if your busting my balls or what..... :lol:
But holy shit... Psyopus is totally fucked... not the groove thing I was interested in, infact I'd say they have no groove. Intence amount of physical ability and thought though... ala vocal problems.... :lol: Noble might enjoy this kind of stuff

Dillinger Escape Plan just sounded like more of the same old new "metal" bullshit to me. I dont think I listened to that for more than 20 seconds. Total Garbage. I gave Psyopus about half a minute each on 3 "songs".

Wont go there again........ :lol:
I cant tell if your busting my balls or what..... :lol:
But holy shit... Psyopus is totally fucked... not the groove thing I was interested in, infact I'd say they have no groove. Intence amount of physical ability and thought though... ala vocal problems.... :lol: Noble might enjoy this kind of stuff

Dillinger Escape Plan just sounded like more of the same old new "metal" bullshit to me. I dont think I listened to that for more than 20 seconds. Total Garbage. I gave Psyopus about half a minute each on 3 "songs".

Wont go there again........ :lol:

Yes and no on the ball busting. Dillinger is noted for their intricate rhythms...and Psyopus is just whacked...I thought hat may satisfy your search for go put on The Hall of Mountain King and stop this nonsense.:lol:
No no the quest must continue its just a matter of which path to follow :cool:

This is where I could throw in a later years Fates plug. I never quite heard anyone approach music in that manor, yet it still has alot of feel and emotion, perhaps too much for some but I thought as a complete, produced sound it was origional and unique. More along my lines but I still like to boogie too.

Let me see here.... what Savatage CD's do I have up here in the house....... nope DWD... just came out of the Winter..... so I guess this Nora Jones will have to do....... :OMG:
I cant tell if your busting my balls or what..... :lol:
But holy shit... Psyopus is totally fucked... not the groove thing I was interested in, infact I'd say they have no groove. Intence amount of physical ability and thought though... ala vocal problems.... :lol: Noble might enjoy this kind of stuff

Dillinger Escape Plan just sounded like more of the same old new "metal" bullshit to me. I dont think I listened to that for more than 20 seconds. Total Garbage. I gave Psyopus about half a minute each on 3 "songs".

Wont go there again........ :lol:

The most recent album to come out that strikes me as being wholly original would have to be Obscura by Gorguts. :rock:

The Mars Volta also strike me as being quite original while still being clearly identifiable as progressive rock.
people have been talking about them quite a bit, I will get around to checking them out, soon

As Matt X mentioned I really dont listen to much music that pertains to my heavy stuff when Im having a creative thing. Which we are in the middle off... not that its going anywhere. I dont do this entirely on purpose either for some reason my interest as a listener wanes.

The best I have done so far, is a few that are actually pretty good in concept (not talented application) cross blues boogie and even a tad of funk feel (which is hard and with questionable results) with metal ideas and are heavier than typical hard rock but its still all derived upon examination and as others have said would sound great if it was 1983....... lol. So its not going to happen for me but I'll still always be curious as to what the next new fairly origional sound and ideas in heavy music will be that is tasteful enough to blow me away. Theres plenty out there no doubt.... I just want the damn revelation for myself... lol

reality sucks