Any Eagle Scouts?


Spiffy, eh?
Jul 31, 2002
Am I the only Eagle Scout here?:p
Or Boy Scout? Lets discuss our adventures in scouting.:D

(No pervs here pleeeeeease!)
Ive never been a scout, but I was in the Homeguard youth, a couple of years ago...was quite ok, exept from all the idiots there.

Farmers, all of them, so instead of doing what we were supposed to do they used the GPS to find out the speed on their tractors :rolleyes:
Well I was in the Boy Scouts, but I wasn't in for long. I kind of regret leaving, but I had a very busy schedule once I became a freshman. I was juggling three sports, all honor classes, and had a band, so I just had to make a sacrifice.
I was a scout once upon a time. I think the last thing I got before I quit was my golden arrow (I think that's what it's called). I was such a quitter back then. Not much has changed. :)
Well, I went camping when I was around 9 or 10. Someone had a few playboys and since I was young, I was all "FUCK YEAH MAN!". Well, those aren't the exact words, but you get the point. Being 10 ruled.. I was impressed by small things like playboy and the taste of mead.