Any good Rockerverb recordings?


Jan 2, 2012
The amp has a weird fuzziness going on, seems to work better with single coils than humbuckers. I'm wanting to hear some good recordings, either finished or raw clips. It doesn't have to be metal either, I'm not doing the modern high gain thing, or stoner rock/metal, but anything is welcome. I would like to hear some more crunchy lighter gain stuff too. Plus, general tips about best speaker, mic, guitar/pickup combinations would be appreciated. It's such a popular amp that's known for being great under a mic, I can't really discount it until I've tried everything.

Yeah, I tried to search but the Sneap Search sucks, brings up everything since keywords to do with equipment are in people's signatures, and you can't specify to only search thread titles.
That video was recorded the after I had owned the amp for 2 hours. :D So I just got the amp... mic'ed it up at home and recorded improvised riffs. :)

Tweaking this amp is quite different since the EQ works in a different way than other amps. Also this amp is built so that single coil guitars can also sound massive so you definitely won't need to have your bass and middle very high for a humbucker guitar to sound massive. Rules of thumb:

1) It has way more gain than you'll ever need. I play metal with gain from 12 o'clock to 14 o'clock depending on the guitar. Above that is good for soloing. Just love the growl of this amp and it has crazy sustain like a violin. It'll never let go until you let go.

2) It's a middle monster, you can have middle on 0 and not be worried that the amp is too scooped. It doesn't allow you to mess your tone up with scoopage.

3) It doesn't have a presence control so boosting the treble will kind of raise the treble and lower the presence so I leave it at 12 o'clock-ish most of the time so the top end is balanced right.

4) Bass, this amp has a lot of bass. I find like keeping it below 10 o'clock keeps our bass player a bit happier since it definitely has more bass than his amp. :D

Ofcourse it works great with all settings on 12 o'clock and that's how it's designed. But the most effective control is the gain/drive. If you have the gain right it'll sound amazing. If you get into that fuzzy territory you went too far. :)
I don't really like the sound that Jim Root uses but I know the settings he uses which are CRAZY!!! He's got EMG pickups so start with those. After that it's DRIVE ON FULL, master @ 10 o'clock, middle @ 9 o'clock, bass @ 2 o'clock, treble @ 3 o'clock. Something like that I if remember correctly.

So basically he isn't driving the amp very loud.
I don't really like the sound that Jim Root uses but I know the settings he uses which are CRAZY!!! He's got EMG pickups so start with those. After that it's DRIVE ON FULL, master @ 10 o'clock, middle @ 9 o'clock, bass @ 2 o'clock, treble @ 3 o'clock. Something like that I if remember correctly.

So basically he isn't driving the amp very loud.
10 o'clock on a HUNDRED watt amp not very loud? Putting my 60 watt amp at 10 o'clock is DEAFENING...
The master on the Rockerverb is a bit different. It's loud as hell don't get me wrong but it opens up around 3-4 out of 10 so I usually have it on 5 at least.

Unlike the Mesa amps I've owned I had the master around 2-4 out of ten most of the time.