Any guys in the US want to do me a ridiculous stupid favor?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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I lost one of the ear gels to my Skull Candy in-ears that I use at the gym, at work, etc. and they won't ship replacements outside of the US. Anyone here willing to grab a set and ship it to me when it shows up? I'll of course cover all costs and throw you a few bucks for helping me out.
Just need this damn thing!


$12.95, probably gonna cost me $40 when it's all said and done :lol:
Just buy a new set of Sennheisers, and you'll be glad ya did!

Out of curiousity which specific model would you recommend? The Skullcandy ones are super comfy but they don't sound so great (what can I expect for ear buds though...) They are actually dull, lacking highs, whereas most earbuds have no low end and a shrill high end. Comfort is priority over sound quality for the purpose of these though and they sound good enough once you get used to it, but they are no DT770s :lol:
actually i think i have some lying around dude, pm me your address and ill send them on, i have a pear of skull candy in ears but the cable is a bit dodgy so i dont use them too much, ill clean them up and disinfect them and post em if you want because i never use them

im in ireland
actually i think i have some lying around dude, pm me your address and ill send them on, i have a pear of skull candy in ears but the cable is a bit dodgy so i dont use them too much, ill clean them up and disinfect them and post em if you want because i never use them

im in ireland

Dude that would be killer! It's the medium size that I'm missing. I'll PM you now...