Any (LA) people have experience with MI (musicians institute)


May 9, 2007
Im from Holland and I'm thinking about attending.
Now ofcourse there are some factors that make things difficult.

And the question is; would it be worth the trouble.
I've seen great things from MI but Im also under the impression that MI is a musiciansfactory making you ready to make money.
Not to mention...DO YOU HAVE THE MONEY?

Maybe someone could drop some pro's and con's here?
or maybe someone studied there.

Moving to the US to apply? Yes or no ?

My old guitar teacher went there, and he is a amazing guitarist.
He had a great time, learned a shit load and judging from him it was pretty awesome.. He had scott henderson as a guitar teacher, pretty much says it all haha.

Now my view of those "pay-to-get-in" places is that you kinda decides yourself what you get out of it.. its no magic school where you will come out as a virtuose by getting drunk and partying every other day.

But if you put in the hard work im sure you will get lots out of it !
My co-worker's son just finished his 2 year degree there. He learned a lot and really learned to hone-in on what style he really likes. He's by no means a shredder--more of a blues classic rock player by comparison, but he definitely enjoyed it. If you have money to go, then go. But did you hear that Berklee college of music in Boston is offering music programs online now? You can take guitar courses (Steve Vai's course for example) 100% online just by being able to record yourself to send your recordings to the professor, a webcam, etc. Soooo cool.
Thanks for the stories.

That sound really good!
Seen that I live on the other side of the planet ;)
I must take a look at it.

As for MI; the problem, money-wise, is that I might be able to save money here to go to school there but then I'd still have to actually /live/ there.
Apartment, transport, might wanna eat sometimes as well.
Then I'd have to get a job there.

Oh yeah another thing, I'd actually have to *become an American*...I think that's gonna provide me with some paperwork.:lol:

Thanks so far guys.

*Do I have the Blood?
Find out on the next season of Gladiators!!!

Do YOU have Tiger's blood? :)
I currently attend MI in Hollywood. I do admit that getting in is ridiculously easy. All you need to do is know how to keep tempo, how to strum chords efficiently, how to play some scales (pentatonic, major scale, minor scale), and be able to drop some serious cash.

Most students realize that the school isn't cheap and take it very seriously and commit their selves to the fullest of their ability, which actually makes it a marvelous place for learning because you learn from the people who become your friends and peers on top of the learning you do from amazing instructors and private teachers who know their instrument inside and out.

However, just like any other place, we do have our share of trolls. These are people who decided to go to MI because they had nothing else going on for them and thought that their daddy's money can get them a place in the world with little to no effort. These clowns get weeded out by around the third and fourth quarter because they realize that they can't keep up with everyone else and are simply just too lazy to actually commit the time need to succeed within their studies.

As far as expenses go... the school helps you with housing, roommates, transportation, and food/restaurant expenses by offering you a way to attain a student discount, or simply by pointing you in the right direction. They also help you out with any financial aid situations you may have.

All in all though, I have personally grown more as a musician in these past 6 months than I have in the past 4 years and I can't wait to see what kind of results the remaining year of school will yield on me.

I wish you the best of luck on whatever you choose to do!