Does anyone have any experience with session musicians?

A Dying Breed

Jun 6, 2004
I live in Chicago. You'd think there'd be a whole bunch of metal musicians right looking to involve themselves in musical projects right? Fuck no. There isn't shit. Remember Norway in the early '90s before they started murdering each other? They cooperated. Varg played in Mayhem. Hellhammer contributed to Burzum. Or at least he was supposed to. There's none of that in this fucking place. So here I am, drummerless since October, having received not a single response to any of the ads my band has placed all over the metal stores here as well as the net, and we're so fucking sick of it that we're about ready to hire somebody to record our demo with us. So my question to you is this. Has anybody here done this, and if so, how much money should I expect to shell out? I realize I'm not gonna find a death/black metal drummer in the yellow pages, so it's gonna be informal. Also, if anybody knows any avenue through which to reach drummers outside of placing ads in places where metalheads frequent, please say so. In closing, the Chicago metal scene is shit. The next time some no talent jag off that HAS a drummer hands me his shitty ass demo CD with a skull and a pentagram on it at a show (which will likely occur this Tuesday at Morbid Angel/Behemoth) I'm gonna break it in two and shove it up his fucking ass. Thank you for your time.
A Dying Breed said:
Also, if anybody knows any avenue through which to reach drummers outside of placing ads in places where metalheads frequent, please say so.

Since The Bears had a decent season, you might be able to find musicians from a Bears forum. Be respectful when you ask because it is a football forum, not a metal forum. However, the reason I suggest this is because I was surprised how many musicians and metal-heads I met from various Steeler forums throughout the years.
