Any more Symphony X videos?

I hope they spend their time on better things. Like writing V - part II (VI?) :D

But then again I'm a selfish anti-fan who hates the fact they played on MTV.
I hope they spend their time on better things. Like writing V - part II (VI?) :D

But then again I'm a selfish anti-fan who hates the fact they played on MTV.

Or, even better, The Divine Wings of Comedy!

...The Salvation Game?
I don't want more videos from this album. And I don't want V - part II either. But a new album withing next 2 years would be nice.
I wonder what the actual numbers are on how much the rotation of a music video really drives sales. Did sales of Paradise Lost spike when the videos premiered?

I suppose there is no exact way to track this unless you knew everyone's reasons for buying the CD. Time for Billboard to install devices in everyone's brain...
Time for Billboard to install devices in everyone's brain...
Ya know, if Nielsen Soundscan could get their testing base to do it, I'm sure they would. I also think 2 videos is enough for now...topping the epic grandiosity of STWOF would be tough, so call it a day till the next album :) It shouldn't take as long, considering Romeo said he had hundreds of riffs left over (or something ridiculous) :D
They should make a video for the new Masquerade where they're playing in some kind of stone house in italy and Rod Tyler gets eaten by a beast.
They should make a video for the new Masquerade where they're playing in some kind of stone house in italy and Rod Tyler gets eaten by a beast.

You think Rod would up for that?

Then again, no-one really knows what Rod even looks like so they could hire anyone from anywhere to play his part.