Symphony X DVD and Tablature books


One Man Gang
Oct 15, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Anyone else anxiously awaiting these two items?! :spin:

I was so angry I couldn't go to the show in Toronto because it was 19 years of age and up! :mad:

In the mean time, does anyone know when the tab books/DVD will be released? Also, anyone know of any "small sized" Symphony X live videos?! (I say small because my computer is slow!)
Originally posted by SXProgMetal2002
man , i went to the show in toronto , a friend of mine who was 18 came with me !!! ur mistaken ! it was all ages

Damn!!! :mad: Was it a good show?
Thanks dudes for responding! Hopefully the Lady of the Snow knows something about the SX stuff coming out.
DVD - they will make it when they have the budget

tab books - there is one published in Japan by Shinko, but its horrible. Maybe someday someone will publish a GOOD SyX book, and they should hire MEEEE to tab it hehehehehehehehe :D.