Symphony x / BG show in detoit tonight.

Jim Ansell

May 14, 2001
Detroit, mi
Visit site
Anyone else there?

It was pretty cool. if you were there, i was the dude with the dream theater hat and black jacket. I video taped symphony x, and it turned out pretty good. Alot of close ups on romeo's solos. I couldn't film BG cause they wouldn't let me. but my sneaky ass audio taped it with my camcorder. I'm listening to it now, and it turned out pretty good! its a little bassy because i was standing right next to the speakers by the stage and my external mic was level with the lower speakers that handle the bass.

anyway, the show was great. symphony x were really nice guys.
Hey man. I was there. I was going insane when Symphony X was playing. Their sound was pretty damn good, despite a few keyboard solos getting lost in the mix somewhere. RUSSELL ALLEN WAS FLAWLESS!!!!!!! I was two rows back on the left side in front of Romeo with a Symphony X hat on and long sleeve Symphony X shirt on (the one with the 2 masks). I ended up spending 70 bucks on merchandise tonight. About 5 songs into the Blind Guardian set, Mike Lepond walked in and I talked to him for a couple minutes and got a picture with him. He was an awesome guy, and I was nervous as hell talking to him!!! I didn't watch all of the Blind Guardian set, but Nightfall was great. My brother and I went outside a couple songs later and chilled out there for awhile. We went back to my car and then when we saw people coming out of the venue we went back to see if Symphony X was around. I saw Pinella walk by but he seemed in a hurry so I didn't bother him. Romeo came out of the front doors of the venue and I just had to stop him. He was cool about it even though it was balls cold out there. I'm happy that he didn't seem condescending as he was talking to me. Got a picture with him as well. All in all, best concert of the year. I'm also seeing them tomorrow in Cleveland, haha.

Oh yeah, the setlist:
Sea of Lies
King of Terrors
Church of the Machine
Smoke and Mirrors
Of Sins and Shadows

I was a little disappointed I didn't get to see Death of Balance, but that's ok. Hopefully they'll do it tomorrow!

Funny moment of the night: As Russell Allen was doing his solo in Wicked before the last chorus, he sort of extended it and did it three times. During one of them, he said "What did she say??" The kid next to me in the crowd yells "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!!!" Russell allen starts laughing and goes "no no before that!!" It was kinda hilarious how they completely stopped the song and then started it back up for that.
Actually, I did see one of them. I was wondering what the hell that was all about!!! It didn't really seem right to be looking all goth at a concert that leans towards being power metal (probably not an accurate description for either band, but what is??).
It also pissed me off how in between bands they were playing hardcore music......... and why in the hell was the opening band an extreme speed death metal band?? wtf... they were HORRIBLE
when you go to st andrews hall, its almost a guarantee that you are going to have to deal with some kind of element of the hardcore scene.

that first band i've seen before. they're a bunch of hardcore boys that think they are At The Gates.
Hey Jim I was standing right next to you last night while you were taping the show. I told you that it was going to be some good video. I had on a grey sweater and a blue hat. That was the best show I've seen in ages.
The vampires came up next to me while I was paying for my 5 dollar beer. I asked my friend to warn me if the guy in the cape tried to bite me.

I was standing right next to the p.a. speakers on Romeo's side of the stage. That guy can burn!

Buy the way, I could only take 2 Blind Guardian songs. The music wasn't worth the risk of injury, what with there being vampires roaming about.:eek:
hahaha, as a matter of fact, I did. Hammerfall was great but they looked absolutely ridiculous with their outfits (the one really ugly looking guitar player was wearing chainmail or some shit and then took it off and it was one hell of an ugly sight). They didn't play Stone Cold GODDAMMIT!!! King's X was cool but I only knew their first song, Dogman. Dio was great and I knew all but about 2 of the songs he played. Russell Allen owns him in my opinion, but Dio is kinda old now and wasn't able to hit some of the notes he probably used to be able to. Harpos redeemed itself tonight after some awful gigs I've seen there recently, namely Arch enemy/Nile/Hate Eternal/Origin.
I don't know how I missed this thread. Jim, if you were the only one in there with a video camera, then you must have been the one right behind me closer to the bar side. You probably have me on there turning and looking at the camera a few times. I was in a Vanden Plas shirt and my brother next to me had a NJ Devils jersey on.

Anyway, here is my review:

Well, I went to the show, and all I can say is, .... I SHOOK RUSSELL ALLEN'S HAND!!

Actually, the place we were at was such a small little dump (St. Andrew's Hall), 1 bus was out front and I guess Blind Guardian's bus was in back. Symphony X came in the front door and brushed right passed me before I even knew it was them. They came out the same way afterwards and I'm sure they just wanted to get back to the bus and relax, so to Michael Romeo I just said; "Michael, great show!" and he said "Thanks". Russell came out last with a towel over his head like a boxer after a fight. I just shouted "Russell" he turned, shook my hand, and I said; "You made it well worth the wait." He said "Thank you" and I thanked him for finally coming to Detroit.

As for a review of the show, the opening band, Black Dahlia Murder(??) was a combination of Death Metal and crap! I don't know where they picked them up at.

Keeping in mind that I am a big fan of both Symphony X and Blind Guardian (I've been a SX fan just a little longer), I really have to say that Symphony X stole the show. They sounded better, their stage presence was better; Russell's interaction with the crowd was the best I've ever seen. He is a funny guy. There was even some harmless Red Wings/Devils banter back and forth (since they are from New Jersey. My brother wore his NJ Devils jersey, but they didn't notice). I also have to say that it seemed about 1/3 of what must have been 4 hundred people max left after Symphony X.

Blind Guardian was good, but I think they definitely sound a lot better on the CDs. Their music was so loud you could barely hear Hansi's vocals. He was pretty good with the crowd too. They only did 1 encore song, Mirror, Mirror and it seemed their set list was shorter that others I've seen posted. After they finished they threw out about 1/2 a dozen drum sticks and a few drum heads, but did not come out afterwards because we were all being ushered out by the staff. But, I'm glad I stuck around till the end. My ears are still ringing a little.

And I was the only one there in a Vanden Plas T-shirt!!
Originally posted by The Yngster
So far nobody has liked any of the opening acts to this concert...

At the chicago show we got a local power metal band called Twelfth Gate. They were pretty good, sounded like a mix of iced earth, jag panzer, and hammerfall
Originally posted by Bobby
Hey snowmaker, I remember your brothers shirt. I was right behind you, and I thought Russell pointed right at your brother when he noticed his jersey.
Unless there were 2 people with NJ Devils Jerseys. We were over about 5 feet away from the bar. My brother was jumping up and down while I pointed at it, but it looked like Russell never saw him or the jersey.

Jim, how'd the tape turn out? is there any way to get a copy of that tape?