Symphony X orchestral music

Jun 9, 2007
I have always wondered what it would be like to play Symphony X music, notably the orchestral sections (ex: The Odyssey pt 1, Occulus Ex Inferni)

I remember that group Nota Profana doing the Odyssey with real instruments and that actually gave me the confidence that in can indeed be done.

I don't know how they figured it out but it was great.

I wish I could figure out the orchestral parts because then that would be awesome! Anyone else think that would be pretty sick? And if you could write the score out too, that would be sick.
If I remember correctly, Michael Romeo said he would like to work with an orchestra somehow. Someone else may know more about this, but I think I read that in some other post. But hell yeah, if we were ever treated to Symphony X performing with a full orchestra, that would truly be a taste of paradise.
Well that would just be rad.

What would also be cool is if they made a score so I could play it too in a full orchestra.
I remember some fucking asshole post some choral arrangement for 'Lady of the snow' which unfortunately was pulled from the server before I got to download it.

Upload it again you shit!
I remember some fucking asshole post some choral arrangement for 'Lady of the snow' which unfortunately was pulled from the server before I got to download it.

Upload it again you shit!

I bet he won't after reading your polite post.
I remember that group Nota Profana doing the Odyssey with real instruments and that actually gave me the confidence that in can indeed be done.

Also, have confidence since a retarded monkey could do a better job than that shit band did. That WAS the band that did a shitty job right? Where everything was out of tune and the singer just was terrible? I also seem to remember someone (the gutiarist?) wearing a trenchcoat or something and looking like a total homo, and there was some stupid wench in the background who's only purpose was to dance...

On that note, PLEASE figure it out and do better than these guys did. Yeah, blah blah blah vast undertaking and yadda yadda yadda. It was still both totally pretto and shitty at the same time.
Dude, Zach, understand something. I personally think that all the covers of symphony x in terms of vocals sound horrible. The guitarist in that cover was not bad though, he just did not have good tone at all. There were only a few parts that sounded bad. Yeah he did dress emo and the dancer was kind of silly and the video's quality was pretty bad. I don't even care about that. I just care about the music. This cover of the Odyssey really struck me though, and for a good reason too. What I was mainly referring to the orchestral musicians. They did an excellent job playing the orchestral part of the overture. I actually think they did a great job in the actual figuring out of the parts.

There are players at my school and we have an orchestra and a band so the parts would be a cool thing to have. I don't think we would actually play it but it would be a cool thing to try.
And dude, you have to understand something. I review cds. I criticize stuff from the safety of my home while contributing nothing back. I say "you have to do this differently" but make no attempt of creating anything for the world to criticize.

If you didn't laugh at this post, you suck.