I "downgraded" from a Command 8 to a Novation SL Zero MKII and it worked great for me. It doesn't have motorized faders, but for me, it was easy to leave the faders at the bottom and if I needed to adjust something, it quickly catches when sliding, if that makes any sense. The motorized faders on the Command 8 were actually a pain and sometimes seemed like they were fighting me. The included mapping software is a snap to use, as well as versatile. It seems to have more mapping options in Logic 9 than in Pro Tools 9/10, but there's nothing cheaper and more bang for the buck on the market for a Pro Tools user, IMO. I don't dabble in Logic as much. Also, it's USB bus powered so you don't need another wall wart clunking around and taking space.
However, I eventually got used to working more with a mouse, and since I don't record bands or anything I needed more desk space, so I'll sell it cheap. Just shoot me a PM if you're interested, assuming you're in the states.
Great little unit.