Peavey 6505 Plus 112 Combo. Any opinions/experiences?


Jan 8, 2008
Kent, UK
I'm thinking about getting this. Been wanting something to get more high gain tones with. (I've got a Classic 30 which is great for cleans and breakup)

My options were:

Peavey 6505 Plus 112 Combo:
Pros: Lots of gain (the kind I want too), Nice price
Cons: 1x12 sheffield speaker

Krank Rev Jr
Pros: Lots of gain (the kind I want too)
Cons: Where the fuck are you supposed to buy one in the UK? The only Krank Jr (not even the Rev) I can find here is the £699 pre-owned.

Tiny Terror Head with a PC112
Pros: Decent sound, just about the right price
Cons: No effects loop, not quite the sound I want.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the 6505+ Combo? I gather that its not going to sound huge through a single 12.

Thanks for any advice in advance.
Best clip i've ever heard through a 5150 combo. This is a V30 swap mind, but damn thats a guitar sound. A chap called Disconnekt did it on these forums years ago, he still logs in but hasnt posted for well over a year now.
Yeah Krank's have totally disappeared in the UK man. Even Thomann don't seem to have the Rev Jr anymore. Sucks.

5150/6505 of any kind will come highly recommended by anyone here, it's basically the standard metal amp for recording.
Did some little A/b-ing with the Rev Jr Pro and the newly arrived Bugera 6260 yesterday and that reminded me of how great that little fucker is.
Thanks guys!

After doing more research it seems to me to be abit of a no-brainer of a choice. But as usual nobody has them in fucking stock. (the 6505+ 112 combo) Anybody seen a UK site that do have them?
This really depends on what other gear you have and what you expect to use the amp for. You said high gain tones and you're already aware that by itself it's not going to compete with a 4x12, but if you're looking for a combination of practice amp and head, the 112 form factor is pretty hotsauce. As far as tones go, the 5150 series in general are the de facto metal amps. I've owned or loaned all three editions over the years and there are some big differences, but mostly small ones. Disregarding the EVH 5150 Mark III since it doesn't come in a combo to my knowledge, the main striking difference between the Mark I (6505) and Mark II (6505+) is the preamp tube/channel setup. The Mk II has one more of the preamp tubes devoted to the green ("rhythm" or clean/crunch) channel than the Mk I due to having a full set of independent channel controls, including resonance and presence. Obviously if you need to footswitch channels at All (or you would like at least a workable second channel you don't have to redial in every time you switch), independent channel EQ is pretty damn huge. If you don't, or you don't really care what your other channel sounds like or if one even exists, not much use for the extra knobs and tube setup. However, because of this and the changes Eddie incorporated with the second amp, the Mk II is voiced a little differently than the original, mostly with respect to the midrange; the original is pretty ugly in the mids (front-panel "mid" knob) and it's fairly standard to scoop them heavily On the amp for tracking, whereas with the Mk II, although it's voiced more toward the mids, it's usually a bad plan to scoop them out On the amp, as it makes their tone suck balls. The Mk II also, of course, handles cabs and speaker types differently as a result of the varied voicing and slightly different preamp gain structure, but I've had excellent success with getting a Great sound even in shitty venues through 75's, Sheffield 1200's, V30's and even Carvin VL12's on it.

A lot of people think the Mk II/6505+ is a shitty substitute for the Mk I/6505 but honestly, it just depends on everything else you're using it with. If you try to drop it in as a replacement for your workhorse 5150 from 1995 and set the knobs about the same, yes, it will blow some serious goats. If you approach it as its own amp, you can coax some monster tones out of it. That part's up to you.