Any other musicians?

Nice one Rob.

Well....I play keyboards mainly with a bit guitar and violin thrown in for good measure

Gear list:

Korg Triton Pro
Korg Trinity
Korg Prophecy
BC Rich Warlock (US custom)
Jackson Fusion SX
Fender electro/acoustic
I play bass! :grin: Been at it for nearly three years now, just casual though, don't know no scales or shit that you really should know :( need to sort that out really. In my umpeenth band and am about to undergo a major overhaul of band members, I really feel like this is the one that's gonna go somewhere but half the mebers ain't arsed, so they need to go. Plenty more where they came from :cool:
Well thanks WW, but unfortunetly I couldn't afford to go to England, but, to play with Power Quest would be totally fucking awesome. And for being an awesome drummer, thanks!!!!!! I try, but I still need a little work yet. I'll get there soon(I hope) LOL

I'm sure you aren't that bad yourself.
Always remember to practice practice practice.:)

Cool, two bass players in here too.
Awesome. Hi brothers!!!! :)
Huh?! So I'm the first (but surely not only?) into GUITARS here?!
I play both acoustic and electric for some over 10 years now but have got into synths and MIDI programming about a couple of years ago -- which is almost just as great fun!

I'd love to join a band again sometime or at least do stuff with other people, for all on my own it gets a bit boring sometimes, you tend to get stuck and inspiration does not flow quite so richly I find as when you play with others (and besides I am not too good with the technical bits, being a girl, uuaaargh).

I won't list any gear for there is too much (and I would hate seeming to show off, hehehe) -- but the one I probably have in use most for practising and deserves special mention is my sweet little KORG PANDORA -- a *hot* tip for all guitarists and bassists if you don't know it already!

So far we could start a band with 3 drummers, 2 bassists, 1 keyboarder and 1 guitar.... ummm.... MORE GUITARS we'd need for sure and you can bet that would make one hell of a NOISE!!!

I used to play a little bass and I had an opportunity to play in a cover band. However non of us agreed on material or direction and nobody wanted to do anything I liked so I walked away after we got about 4 songs off. I sold my gear and have now not picked up a bass for nearly 2 years. If there was an opportunity for a Power Metal band in my area, I'd be willing to take it up again (Not that I was any good in the first place). Although now to be honest I fancy myself as an aggressive melodic style vocalist also!

Ralf Scheeper Beware lol

dream dream dream
If you need guitarists... I'm a guitarist as well, even if completely out of practice, since I've sold all my electric guitars - but I plan to buy a Yamaha Pacifica as soon as I have 200 spare bucks! :)

BTW, I'm left-handed!!
Funny enough, someone tried something like that on another BB I used to go to...everyone pitch in ideas and try and get a song out of it! Trouble was it ended up being just me and one other guy, I threw tabs for my random unused bass riffs at him and he was all "Dude, what the fuck can I do with this?!" and that was that! But if other people have more brains than I it could be monstrous :spin:

3 drummers, 2 bassists...sounds like a rhythm section from hell!!!