Any Sepultura fans here?

Sorry bro, but where did I call Sepultura sell-outs? I said that they helped start the trend, not that the "sold out" and joined it.

As for me being alone in my opinion, go ahead and read the reviews for the album on Metal-Archives. I'm not saying that I only believe this about that album because people there do, but what I am saying is that there are plenty of people who feel the same way about Roots.

My bad. Nu-metal is usually synonymous with sell out around these parts.

Mike Patton was on that album somewhere too.

Unless de-tuning was the major influence from them for nu-metal I'm just not hearing it. *shrug* Every time I hear "Roots Bloody Roooooooots" I crank it. I think it's a heavy ass album. Not my favorite, but I just don't hear the nu in it.
Unless de-tuning was the major influence from them for nu-metal I'm just not hearing it. *shrug* Every time I hear "Roots Bloody Roooooooots" I crank it. I think it's a heavy ass album. Not my favorite, but I just don't hear the nu in it.

Roots definately has that heavier than life approach. It is a celebration of their latin american roots. When I hear songs like "Rattamahatah" I get goosebumps, as the indian-african culture is something I can identify with. And on the heavier sound, when I hear "Cut throat", I HAVE to crank it up. That's as brutal as it gets.
And I agree with Creeps, not my favorita album, but as I said before, both Chaos AD and Roots were very influential on the development of metal at the end of the 90's, early 2000.
Sep fan since I was a kid.

I learned all of Chaos AD on guitar in my teens and played the !@#!@ outta that album.

Everything from Morbid all up to Chaos are classics in my book.
Roots wasn't the first nu-metal album... but it was directly inspired by Korn's debut. Denying that Roots is a nu metal album is a sign that your ears need unclogging. Just admit you like a nu metal album. :P

I actually like quite a few nu-metal albums and to me, Roots doesn't sound like one.

Looks like maybe you need the ears unclogged instead. ;) :lol:
Well, I came across Schizophrenia in a used CD store over the weekend, so I picked it up. I've listened to it several times through, and I really like it. Now, I guess I'm on the search for Arise....

Well, I came across Schizophrenia in a used CD store over the weekend, so I picked it up. I've listened to it several times through, and I really like it. Now, I guess I'm on the search for Arise....

Make sure to get Beneath the Remains as well--BtR and Arise are their best albums IMO. Chaos AD is pretty good, too. Roots is where they started to lose me.
Make sure to get Beneath the Remains as well--BtR and Arise are their best albums IMO. Chaos AD is pretty good, too. Roots is where they started to lose me.

Thanks Shaye. Actually, BTR is the one I started off with, but I've yet to to buy Arise and Chaos AD. I've heard some clips from "Roots", but not enough to form an opinion of yet.

You're lucky to have started with Beneath the Remains. That's easily their best album. Schitzophrenia is also absolutely superb. I agree with dcowboys311 that their first few albums are their only truly awesome output. Once Chaos A.D. came out, the thrash began to leave, and the more modern sound began to blossom. Then Roots, which for some strange reason is hailed as their "classic" release...really is like a nu-metal record. Not as nu-metal as say Soulfly, but it was the foreshadowing for Max's move to that direction. I haven't listened to all of Sepultura's output after Roots, but I don't want to. I know that they never went back to the rifftastic thrash from the first few albums, and they probably never will.

Edgeofthorns, if you like Beneath the Remains that much, stick with listening to Schitzophrenia, Arise, and Morbid Visions, then stay away from the less-thrash-more-groove stuff from later than that.
Ah the mighty seps, love there early stuff, arise is great, beneath the remains i also like chaos ad, roots is a bit iffy in my opinion i stopped listning once max left but saw them with motorhead at Glasgow barrowlands and well enjoyed it
Morbid Visions, Schizophrenia, Beneath the Remains, and Arise are my favorite discs from them. Really the only ones that I like. Roots is basically the first nu-metal album.

I agree with you on Roots, did not like it one bit. However, Beneath the Remains, Arise and Chaos AD are their best imho.

Funny that you mention this, I have been on a Sepultura kick for the last 2 weeks, dunno why.
Roots wasn't the first nu-metal album... but it was directly inspired by Korn's debut. Denying that Roots is a nu metal album is a sign that your ears need unclogging. Just admit you like a nu metal album. :P

Don't know what it is, but I am agreeing with everything you have said lately! BTW - Love the Rev Bizarre shirt!
Beneath the Remains, Arise, and Schizophrenia are all masterpieces.

It was with Roots they started sucking... and they've never stopped since.

Agreed 100%. These 3 plus Morbid Visions is all you really need from the Seps. I personally don't care for Chaos A.D. even, although I wouldn't go so far as to say it sucks, the change to nu-metal waw already starting to rear it's ugly head, albeit quite subtly...
Agreed 100%. These 3 plus Morbid Visions is all you really need from the Seps. I personally don't care for Chaos A.D. even, although I wouldn't go so far as to say it sucks, the change to nu-metal waw already starting to rear it's ugly head, albeit quite subtly...

I like the way you guys think.