any singers around?


So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Hi there,

I'm about to make a cover of Novembre with a friend over the net, he's meant to record the guitars and I should attempt singing it, the song chosen was 'Come Pierrot' and I've been singing it all night and day. Recording it, hearing it, recording it, hearing it - ad infinitum. As I've no previous vocal experience nor a decent mic and knowledge regarding the vocal techniques, I would like to ask a few questions, if someone out there could help me, I'd be eternally grateful.

1. What type of techniques vocal-wise are used in this song?
2. What scale does Carmelo use or what notes is he using in this song and scales/octaves and such?
3. Any tips on growling the same way Carmelo does without damaging the throat with decent volume?

Thanks in advance
P.S: We will post here the song once recorded :blush:
Well, for now I guess I will postpone the recording of the song, I already know a few of the awnswers to the above questions, but me and my friend we're a bit busy to work on this for now.
Hi susie, listened to it, you've got a pretty voice, I don't know the original, but I like your version.

As for your post, if you read with atention the thread, we are not looking for singers, if that is what you were expecting, we apreciate and are sorry, I was more like, trying to find a few info to help me make the cover the best I can. Somehow I just postponed this for a later time, as I need to mature as a singer and I also have personal musical projects and day job which are more important to me at this time :)
