Any Texans going to PPIV??


Uber Metal
Remember kids....not having a ride is no excuse! I'll be going and I have two slots available. Ride in style in the ProGSnob mobile. Bring your Playstation, laptop, whatever. I'll have a converter on board as well. Hotel accomodations are already made as well. All we need is someone to share the gas and motel. My email is if interested.
That's a cool ride, ThXinc...where's your point of departure?

My wife and I will be attending from Corpus Christi, but we're making a vacation out of it that will include a long Labor Day weekend in Dallas before we fly to Atlanta mid-week to party with a friend, play tourist, attend the pre-party and then the show (plus a few extra days to recover before we head back to home and work).

Glad to see some fellow Texans defending the faith, though...hopefully, we'll see you there...

Rock on!

Doc & Kat
Oooops. Good point. Texas is a big place!:tickled: Dallas area, more specifically, Arlington. We decided on the drive because it's not all THAT far, about 14-15 hours. Probably leave on Tues. Plan on being there for the tourist bit too. Want to be well rested for the party and then the shows. Keep in touch and we'll represent the Lone Star in style! Where are your accomodations. I think ours are at the LaQuinta. I'll have to check with the lady though, she's the organized one. :p
Hey ThXinc, we're staying with a buddy in Marietta, about 15 minutes away from the venue. Last year, we did the big suite, stocked the fridge with beer and munchies, but we were always out running around for something, so this year we decided to sack out at his place, enjoy the free amenities, eat better food and have more money to piss away on shirts, CDs, entertainment, etc.

Although, we would not turn down an invitation to hit the hotel parties if the metalhead masses are getting rowdy...hint, hint...haha! We would also contribute to the cause, of course!

Stay in touch, and we'll get together and hoist a cold one to the faithful from Texas.

As always...much appreciation has to go to Glenn for providing this excuse for such a killer metal vacation.


Doc & Kat
My girlfriend and I are coming in from Houston. We could have flown, but I wanted to take a long road trip, plus I don't like flying :dopey:

We'll probably start driving up Wednesday or Thursday. My girl isn't going to the show, she has family in Atlanta that she hasn't seen in a while, so they'll keep her busy.

We're staying at The Granada.
Holy crap...Corpus Christi represented again???
Didn't know there were any serious metalheads in this forsaken town...way to go DreamCycle.

We've got to get together and talk some tunes...


THere's plenty of time for everyone to exchange emails/cell#'s etc. in the coming months. Many props to Glenn indeed. I would like to meet this man. A savior of the US live music scene is he. Nothing brings people together like the wonderment of progressivenessness!

Let this thread serve as a point of contact for leaving emails, etc. if you so wish.

Mine is listed above.:cool:
E-mail is if anyone wishes to contact us.

We'll be hitting Atlanta mid-day on Wednesday 09/03, and won't be flying out until mid-day on Monday 09/08.

Like last year, we'll be hitting brew pubs, eating too much rich food, and anxiously awaiting another awesome experience at Earthlink...


Doc & Kat