OT: I'm moving to Texas!! Help!

Bear said:
Steers and queers hellllllllo!!! LOL

That a movie quote of course LOL

Y'know, it might've actually appeared in a song -- from Primus, of course -- before Full Metal Jacket. :heh:

Steers and queers
Steers and queers
Where you come from boy it's just steers and queers
And I don't see no horns, boy!
Yessir! Yessir!
Thanks so much for all the good wishes and offers for help!

Andy, I'll definately take you up on the offer to tour around the city when I get there! That would be great help!

I'll be living with a few other Mustang agents, so essentially it *will* be the Mustang Ranch :lol:

So far nothing is set in stone, so if anyone has more ideas or suggestions, keep 'em comin'!!
Wow....down to the desert, eh...

Can't wait to see you this year @ Prog..miss you girl...

Good luck with the new adventure..

80's AL
80s AL said:
Wow....down to the desert, eh...

She's moving to Dallas...not the Sahara...

I'm pretty sure they'll (at least) have a Wal-Mart where some of the employees will have all their teeth.

Rock on!
Wow....down to the desert, eh...
You'r thinking of El Paso, total desert, but lately it's been like a rain forest.

I'm pretty sure they'll (at least) have a Wal-Mart where some of the employees will have all their teeth.

Again i think you mean El Paso, but they do have all their teeth, you just can't understand a word they say, unless you are proficent in another language other than English.
Just to clarify for those wondering, I have left this thread open specifically because she asked for a ride back from ProgPower. Otherwise, I would have deleted it along with the the other OT threads to be fair across the board.

Once the festival is over, then I open up the forum to non-music related topics for the rest of the year.

Glenn H.
Glad you did Glenn, Tammy deserves any help we can give her. Sorry for the Birthday Thread yesterday, my bad.
sh0kr0k said:
I'll be living with a few other Mustang agents, so essentially it *will* be the Mustang Ranch :lol:

It's only about 250 miles from Houston to Big D. Yall want some company at "The Ranch"?? "They got some nice girls there" - Hahawhawhawhaw.......

Deep Ellum ROCKS!!!!! I wish Houston had something like that.

Chris :rock:
Harvester said:
Just to clarify for those wondering, I have left this thread open specifically because she asked for a ride back from ProgPower. Otherwise, I would have deleted it along with the the other OT threads to be fair across the board.

Once the festival is over, then I open up the forum to non-music related topics for the rest of the year.

Glenn H.

Thanks, Glenn! I sure do appreciate it!

So far nothing has panned out, so I'll likely be buying a bus ticket. If anything opens up, please send me a PM instead of posting here. Thanks for all the comments for good luck! You guys are great! See ya at the fest!