Moving to Raleigh, NC

Just found it...Berkeley Cafe, downtown......I forget about this place.....last time i was there they had a local wrestling event.....VERY is Sat the 18th.

Thanks for the heads up Rider.

you're welcome, and sorry for the mix-up of days/dates. I've had a LOT on my mind recently. ;)

I just remembered seeing the flyer posted around on MySpace and wishing I had the time to drive there and attend. Should be a helluva show. ah well, I'll just have to bring the Witch to Atlanta.

oh yeah, I already am! :cool: *buffs fingernails on shirt* much for making king lek sound like he knows stuff ;)

yeah, the one thing here is that there are no STRAIGHT ROADS...everything twists and think you are going one way, then it turns out you are going the opposite's hard to find shortcuts.....

lots of wild life...this morning there was a small turtle crossing the road...i avoided hitting him and then stressed all day wondering if he made it across....i was so happy to not see any turtle bits on the road when i returned home....

it is green that is a good thing....... :)

(why move here?)
My friend lives in Raleigh and it rules. Cheap food and beer, lots of parties in the college towns. If I could find a job there, I'd have moved already.
Wow, thanks for all the replys everyone! I posted the same question on a different board and got zilch. I'm from Tampa, but I've spent the last year and a half in Huntington, WV and believe me, aside from a place called "the Monkey Bar", you've gotta drive a distance to see anything cool. So Raleigh will be an upgrade for sure.
Ok everyone, I'm moving to Raleigh in a week or so, and I need to know the scoop. Cool music shops, the best venues, things to do, all that stuff. Not just necessarily the metal stuff (but that too), just anything cool to do, see or get into.

Anyone from Raleigh, or know the area, that can help me out?

I need to pay attention to this thread the wife and I just moved to Raleigh about two weeks ago...:kickass:
For those interested in more info on Raleigh area ... I started a thread in the lounge (just figured it be better there and not here on the main board).
Ok everyone, I'm moving to Raleigh in a week or so, and I need to know the scoop. Cool music shops, the best venues, things to do, all that stuff. Not just necessarily the metal stuff (but that too), just anything cool to do, see or get into.

Anyone from Raleigh, or know the area, that can help me out?

Go to and you will see flyers there. And we have a fest coming up in September too.
For those interested in more info on Raleigh area ... I started a thread in the lounge (just figured it be better there and not here on the main board).

The NC metal scene is not bad at all, just maybe disorganized. In the Raleigh area it is mostly a more traditional metal sound which Twisted Tower Dire, Widow, Viper, Hellrazor, etc. Then there are ever younger ones coming up that sound like they just came through a time machine from the NWOBHM. Then there are some pretty good black metal bands like Dreamscpaes of the Perverse. Then an awesome doom band Soul Preacher. Who sound like a broken Peter Murphy singing for Paradise Lost(old). And a lot more.
The middle of the state is hardcore and emo dominated so I try to stay away. And the smaller village and mountains put out nu metal. Charolette and the south western end sees a lot of death and black metal hence Darkmoon, Nile, Werhewolf all held from that way. Progressive metal bands, well they are here but one really needs to dig for them.
North Carolina does get many national touring packages through here anymore but at times that seems to be changing. But there is stuff to do here just need to know were to go for it. And there are some great bands here too.
Go to and you will see flyers there. And we have a fest coming up in September too.
For those interested in more info on Raleigh area ... I started a thread in the lounge (just figured it be better there and not here on the main board).

Gonna sound like a Noob but how do I get to the Lounge area??? I have been living in Chapel Hill for 2 years and I know squat about metal scenes here.

I do know, however, that Arch Enemy is coming to Jacksonville..