Any Toto fans here?

Random Axe

Common Sense Man!
Sep 27, 2002
Cincinnati, OH
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I started a thread elsewhere on a prog board that almost got deleted for mentioning Toto, but I feel like I'm discovering a truly great band and one I completely missed out on till last month.

I only knew them as the guys who did the song Africa from 1982 and had dismissed them completely. I decided to sample some tracks from their new one, Falling in Between, and was floored. The power and the passion behind their music is undeniable after all these years. And they have gotten heavier as they progressed and added some funk along the way. I'm now in the process of collecting their back catalog. It's really hit or miss with these guys, but I'm having fun searching used CD stores for their discs. So far, the best one I've heard aside from the new one is Tambu from 1995. I hated The Seventh One and am not sold on Kingdom of Desire or Mindfields yet, though that may change.

Is there anyone else into this band or am I alone as usual? I've got their live DVD coming in the mail, so that may introduce me to some of their very early work. I'm hesitant to call them prog rock, but they do ride that fence precariously. My two favorite singer/songwriters of all time are Dennis DeYoung and Tommy Shaw, but Steve Lukather is creeping up the list. I'm curious to read some opinions if any exist.

Sure man, Toto rock.
Back in the 80's I didn't like them because of their ballads, everything kinda sounded the same back then, didn't it ?
But if you take "Hold the Line", it's not only a classic, but also one hell of a powerful song. And Porcaros amazing drum work on "Rosanna" blew my mind cause he played all those fast notes on the hi-hat one-handed.
Now the band is still around and still great. Not to mention Lukather's playing and vocals, he's been a hero to many guitarists. And Simon Phillips has always been a brilliant drummer as well. He played with Mike Oldfield and lots of other great artists.
I'd say Toto is one of the last original and classic "rock" bands around.

Back in the day, my Dad would crank Toto on the home stereo. He probably has most of the catalog, I should investigate, as some of their stuff is pretty good (for a bunch of "Session Musicians" as the media likes to describe them).

On another note, Lukather is an outspoken opponent of the current label/musician relationship, and some of his interviews are quite the eye opener.

NP: Nightwish: "Once"
I saw Toto on tour this year, being a fan of them since the IV-album. They are fantastic musicians. Still one of my fav bands.

Your in the right spot to find TOTO fans. Talk about legends, they have been kicking ass for years and years. I wish they would play a few shows here in the US, Ze Danny man just called me a week or so ago and was buzzing from the concert he saw in Paris. Lucky dude!

I think my favorite might be HYDRA actually, nostalgia, just a time and place thing, although I have so many other favorites as well. Steve is one of my all time favorites, what an amazing musician / songwriter performer etc. Pick up his Los Lobotomys disc they will blow you away. Some of mine and I know for a fact Doug's biggest influences. We met Steve when we attended the NAMM show last year,2005 actually and Doug took a pic with Steve which was a damn big deal to him, us. He is an idol.

I loved the albums Joseph Williams sang on as well, man that guy has some pipes. These guys are amazing, they have played on everything known to man and are incredible players.

So whatever narrom minded overly critical forum you were shunned from no worries, bring it all here when it comes to quality stuff. Like coming home bro. TOTO RULES !!!

Random Axe said:
I started a thread elsewhere on a prog board that almost got deleted for mentioning Toto, but I feel like I'm discovering a truly great band and one I completely missed out on till last month.

I only knew them as the guys who did the song Africa from 1982 and had dismissed them completely. I decided to sample some tracks from their new one, Falling in Between, and was floored. The power and the passion behind their music is undeniable after all these years. And they have gotten heavier as they progressed and added some funk along the way. I'm now in the process of collecting their back catalog. It's really hit or miss with these guys, but I'm having fun searching used CD stores for their discs. So far, the best one I've heard aside from the new one is Tambu from 1995. I hated The Seventh One and am not sold on Kingdom of Desire or Mindfields yet, though that may change.

Is there anyone else into this band or am I alone as usual? I've got their live DVD coming in the mail, so that may introduce me to some of their very early work. I'm hesitant to call them prog rock, but they do ride that fence precariously. My two favorite singer/songwriters of all time are Dennis DeYoung and Tommy Shaw, but Steve Lukather is creeping up the list. I'm curious to read some opinions if any exist.

my brother handed me a promo of "falling in between" just 2 weeks ago. had a few spins, and i must admit they are still pretty funky. :rock: as "mellow" as they sound, i can play them at the office, too. :D
i know quite a few songs from the 80s, but, strangely, never got any albums. another group to add to my gotta-get list, i guess. :blush:

their tourdates, on the other hand, don't make me very happy ... :(
Toto fan here!!!
I've listened to their music for over 10 or 12 years now (I'm 29)... I own every album, except for the latest (FIB), but I got to listen a couple of the songs and liked them too.
They rock!! :notworthy
Althoug my favourite album is Tambu (or maybe Hydra), I have to say that each one of them is great and particular. All members of the band are proved to be great musicians, and they always manage to have brilliant guests to play with them too, specially over the 80's albums.
Back in '96 they came to Buenos Aires and I could see the Toto live experience, it was unbelievable; Simon's drumming was out of this world (he inspired me to get into drumming), Mike and David were impecable, and Luke's guitar was incredible :rock:
I also have the first three Lukather's solo work and a Lobotomys concert DVD... It's like a more guitar oriented Toto, with a couple of other ingredients too.
Cheers :kickass:

was looking for some toto stuff at a local store today, but sadly they only had FIB. so i got that. at a mere 9,90 euros i just had to! :)
Well, same case here, I never really got into Toto due to the classics (yeah, Hold The Line is pretty good, but still it didn't do the trick on me). But this last one album, "Falling In Between", it's simply amazing.

Now, I'm planning to aboard the rest of the stuff they've done, which is gonna take some time because of the extense discography they've had behind. If I enjoy it the same... it's gonna be a great adventure!!!


N.P: Toto - "Dying On My Feet"