Any TYR fans?


Mar 28, 2006
Though I like some bands in this genre of metal...can't say its my favorite style. However, loving TYR the more I hear them. The unique vocal style of H. Joensen totally wins them over for me. Thier latest CD By The Light Of The Northern Star (by far thier best sound to date IMO) and previously released Eric The Red appeal the most to me.
Seen Tyr live couple weeks ago with Alestorm, Awesome live!
Sinklars Visa was great to sing along to, Hail to the Hammer too.
Eric the red seems the best to me, epic as fuck.
Found this new clip of "Sinklars Visa"...thought I'd post it.
My TYR love-fest continues...:D

from the upcoming new CD...instr. intro and "Heathen Hammer..." live. This sound AWWWWSOME!!!
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Ragnorok is my favourite, especially the title track - as previously stated, FUCKING EPIC! No one else sounds like Tyr that I've found, they've got a unique mix.
If you all could post your favorite Tyr songs, I'd appreciate it. I've tried to get into them before, but they always bore me.

Material (especially) from the new..."By The Light Of The Northern Star" and from the old..."Eric The Red" is anything but boring. Both being more up-tempo, exciting and powerful. Thier other releases are good...but I can understand some of it coming off as a little low-key / less inspiring?
"By The Light Of The Northern Star" is a fuckin metal masterpiece! I'm liking TYRS other releases the more and more as I hear them...but "BTLOTNS" takes TYR to a new level. Keeping the epic, intracite, epic style...the new CD contians all of this but adds a uptempo-almost power metal style.