any wows for new year?

RottenAngel said:
we thought about walking but we didnt know the way and didnt want to get too tired cos we had a long flight the next morning. but yes, to knock him out would have been a great idea! maybe i find the guy this week... i didnt forget his face :heh:
i should stop givin bad advices....hehe, don't blame me if it doesn't turn out well :Saint:
RottenAngel said:
we thought about walking but we didnt know the way and didnt want to get too tired cos we had a long flight the next morning. but yes, to knock him out would have been a great idea! maybe i find the guy this week... i didnt forget his face :heh:

GUten Morgan Rotten Angle! I wilt to fight for your honour this Franch man...
I am VERY ANGRY now!!!!