what are your plans for christmas and new year?

Well one of me fave plans , is the day after boxing day, me an mick are going to the fancy dress party, i did a thread ages ago looking for suggestions, well anyway, we got our costumes now :D i wont tell you all till later hahaha see if you can guess????????? :D
Christmas: Somewhere with family and snow and a santee cloz and litl gifts
New Year: somewhere with friends and girl-friends and snow and a bed, and a condom:)

P.S: With Separate rooms for couples..heh:Spin:
To everyone who has been naughty :D
We're not really celebrating Christmas in our family. We usually sit together by candlelight, stuff ourselves with chocolates, and play some games. The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree has been given up (it'll stay outside on the terrace), and we're not giving presents to each other any more either since my brother and I have grown up. This year, we're gonna "celebrate" even less, as my brother won't be here for Christmas, so there's only my parents and I. I'm not looking forward to it at all, I must admit...:erk:

As usual, there's still no concrete plans for New Year's Eve. I'll probably end up clinking classes with a bunch of old friends from highschool. Nothing special, but nice though:).
sol83 said:
that's no excuse. :yell: :mad:

:D That's deliberate and serious brainwashing, which I need now. :Spin:

The funny thing is, I saw a cartoon on tv today, and that was all. And yesterday I saw a quiz and "Coming to America" on tv for the third time and that was all.
it's always like that in my family, letting off steam really - we always quarrell, even argue or not even willing to make up, but as they say, you always lay into ppl you hold dear the most
~Christmas i spent with my family and relatives in a village on the mountain with loads of snow and even more loads of FOOD :p

New years eve i will spend at home,in Thessaloniki with my family and my pets :lol: im not really into going out after 12 o clock as the streets will be too crowded and the bars stuffed with ppl that pretend theyre having fun :ill:

@Miranda i know what it's all about,i really do hope theres nothing more than a harmless little ball.Best wishes to you and to everybody:)
somnium_in_tenebris said:
@Miranda i know what it's all about,i really do hope theres nothing more than a harmless little ball.Best wishes to you and to everybody:)
thanks for the nice words:)
tommorow we get the results back,so we know more.