Anybody else concerned about Ebola?

All I know is that Ebola in the US is the NRA's fault (yes I actually heard this from one of the major news outlets).


Some guy died of Ebola because he was black (again, major news told me this).


I really want to punch that fucking asshole in the face that brought it here and lied.


I don't really worry about it beyond that. There are what like a million ways to die? Oh no one more way you could possibly, maybe die.
I think this sums it up

So is Fox news audience so retarded that you have to talk to it like a bunch of mentally impaired kids? That shit is hilarious.
Yes, they're that retarded. I run across Fox news fanatics on FB from time to time. The shit they say make you want to leave the planet. The ignorance is mind boggling.
It's also becoming apparent here in the states that our esteemed politicians (who are also, I'm convinced, completely retarded) are taking this opportunity to politicize the whole thing. Never mind the threat at hand, what can I do to damage the character of my running opponent. Gosh, wouldn't it be grand if the entire congress and senate got annihilated by Ebola? To quote the great Eric Idle "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"...
I was at a hospital today with my woman for her yearly boob checkup and I'm telling you, every conversation I overheard was ebola this ebola that. Fekkin crazy.