New Vine @ CDC


Fifth Horsemen
Feb 15, 2005
Lima, Peru
As the vine is still working, well slowly but working, so i decide to run another vine, but this time it will run at the CDC, so if your a member, check my post at Stealing From A Thief Forum, to see what is happening.

If your not a CDC member, maybe this will be an extra motiv to join the club, you'll get everything the membership package comes with and 2 extra Bootleg DVDs (two shows or one show into 2 DVDs). Sign up will start on Dec 09th, for now we are choosing the shows to be send.

P.S. I think im gonna ask the band a cut for new memberships for the extra marketing im making LOL :headbang: JK. As we say at "Bootlegs are a virus so spread the disease"

Cheers :kickass: