Anybody here BMX?

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I just got into it last month and I gotta say, one of the most fun and adrenaline pumping things I have done. I have been a skateboarder for 8 years and recently my knee has gone to shit but riding doesn't hurt it too much. Anybody else here ride or use to ride? If you have never tried it, I highly recommend it. Here is a montage I made tonight for my one month anniversary of this awesome sport.

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I got into it back in the mid 80s. Haven't done hardly anything for the past few years.
I rode pretty regularly until the early 90s, then picked it up again in the early 2000s.
I was into it between the age of 11-17. Getting my drivers license made me give up on it. I sure had a blast though. Lot's of money went into all my bikes, and least I forget about all the injuries I sustained :)

Maybe one of these days I'll try to get back into it. I just wish I had time/money for more hobbies.

P.S.- Buy a full face helmet. It's much cheaper than a new set of teeth.
Yeah, time is the key. I fixed up my old Kuwahara a few years back (and retired it). I threw together a mid-school Hoffman as a rider, but work, kids, and band tend to eat up any riding time I otherwise would have.
I tried so hard to get into BMX all throughout my teenage years, but I could NEVER learn how to bunny-hop. Without that, I couldn't do most tricks. FML. :lol:
I rode daily from ages 10-16. Had a lower level Mongoose to start then I bought a friend's GT Performer and tricked it out with some Redline cranks and 48 spoke rims. I had that through college (until my damn brother sold it for $20 after I moved out).

I raced a little bit at a local track the first couple of years, but then from there I was mostly into street riding/dirt jumping. After seeing Ron Wilkerson and Dennis McCoy pulling Nothings I finally landed a few, to my own amazement :)

Wolfeman is dead on about a full face helmet - I broke one of my teeth in half slamming into a post during a race when I was 12, then broke it again along with the tooth next to it dirt jumping a few years later. I had just bought a GT Meat Mallet gooseneck and went jumping as soon as it was on. I had forgotten to tighten the neck bolt all the way... on my 3rd jump the neck and handlebars came right off the frame. That sucked.

I occasionally drool over at over the restored GT and Haro bikes, then I secretly hop on Craigslist to see if there's any for sale. Don't tell my wife ;)
Been a while now, did ride when I was 11-16 but other hobbies got in the way and I kind of forgot about it. Thinking about starting again this summer though.
I miss riding so much. There is/was absolutely nothing better than riding with your best friends. I rode daily every day after school. We had a amazing box ramp. It was 4 feet tall and like a 10 foot gap. I started off with the standard mongoose, then got a haro backtrail x1, then eventually bought a Volume frame. I rode breakless because i was too poor to buy new breaks when i broke them, i definitely wasn;'t hardcore. I had a 44 tooth chainwheel back then. I know kids ride things like half that now. Im going to wrap this post up before i get depressed/ramble because it was truly the best times of my life.
I used to ride everyday from 7yrs-14yrs. I stopped when I started to play shows regularly. I just got back into it last year and I regret my almost 10 year absence. Oh and your doing 3's after a month? I've seen some first timers take a month to land 180s, and before I forget work on them tire taps boy. J/k
Thanks for the kind words guys, and its cool to see that other people do it. Its so much fun and it seems like im picking it up quick. I just wish I wasn't to pussy to start learning bars :lol: