Anyone a registered user at

[SARCASM]yeah... yeah.... YEAH.. cuz you guys all wanna be recording engineers and eventually do well and be like Andy and Colin and Fredrik and do a bunch of killer productions or be in bands that get signed and get budgets to work with the great engineers and make killer albums... so yeah... NEVER pay for music..... EVER!... cuz then the record companies will all go broke and you can... uh.... errr....*scratches head*.. :erk:.. wait.... [/SARCASM]

You're right on that one, but just because you're a registered user doesn't mean you download illegal stuff!
I used it to get some of the free progs for my mac (yeah, I'm a new mac-user and had no idea about what is out there and what is usable etc, so I downloaded some of the free mac-progs from there (like VLC-Player. file-buddy etc) and didn't have to bother with searching and checking 100000 adresses.
I didn't download one single song there, and I'm sure I'm not the only sneap-forum-member there that uses it for LEGAL stuff.
I'm buying my cds, I hate to get criminalized just because I'm usind download-areas for legal stuff....
If I wouldn't have been invited there I still would have no idea about all those cool FREE mac progs that are available.

not everyone with a car does hit and runs!
I think the same goes for The Office, Sopranos and other series I can't watch here in Holland cozz they don't air them...

So they don't air metal music on the radio here so i should go download all my favorite bands now:Smug:

Sopranos comes on DVD in a box called season 1, season 2, ext.... You can buy them right on the INTERNET like i did. Yea there like 80 bucks a pop but if you like the show or music or program whatever it may be support it and buy the dam thing!!!

Sorry to be a dick but i hate when people try and justify why they download illegal stuff:rolleyes:
Anyone who claims that he's never downloaded anything illegal is a fucking liar...
Or is someone who probably doesn't belong on the magical interweb...

yea i have when i was young and dumb.

I'm not afraid to admit it But i don't go around trying to justify why its ok to do so. There is nothing more annoying to me than someone saying well everyone does it so its ok.

Personally I know what i did was wrong and honestly i regret it. I never thought about people like Andy and James and how it effects them let alone labels and bands. This goes the same for TV shows, movies, programs whatever it may be.....
Anyone who claims that he's never downloaded anything illegal is a fucking liar...
Or is someone who probably doesn't belong on the magical interweb...
what this has to do with my reply to Nitro i'll never understand... but i do know this...

yea i have when i was young and dumb.

I'm not afraid to admit it But i don't go around trying to justify why its ok to do so. There is nothing more annoying to me than someone saying well everyone does it so its ok.

Personally I know what i did was wrong and honestly i regret it. I never thought about people like Andy and James and how it effects them let alone labels and bands. This goes the same for TV shows, movies, programs whatever it may be.....

Oh well, I bet you're losing a lot of sleep about all the bad things you did in
your cyber-life... Oh this world is so unfair... I'm sure also, seeing as it is very
illegal, you have never borrowed a CD from a friend, or a DVD, or even
photocopied a book...

Laws that make criminals out of hundreds of millions of people worldwide have
probably not been thought through very well...

I can understand the obvious "Stealing is baaaaad"... But everything is not
black and white...
Oh well, I bet you're losing a lot of sleep about all the bad things you did in
your cyber-life... Oh this world is so unfair... I'm sure also, seeing as it is very
illegal, you have never borrowed a CD from a friend, or a DVD, or even
photocopied a book...

Laws that make criminals out of hundreds of millions of people worldwide have
probably not been thought through very well...

I can understand the obvious "Stealing is baaaaad"... But everything is not
black and white...
who photocopies a book?? the whole thing?? jeeez, you got too much time on yer hands man:lol: btw, yes it is too black and white. you know, it's real easy to steal a car... once you know how you can be in and driving down the road in under 30 seconds... intellectual property is the same as physical property... period, and it's spelled out in black and white. let me be CLEAR.. i am NOT saying this because i care that much about what any of you download, i am simply irritated with this LAME use of "logic" to try and justify it. just because the internet has made intellectual property theft easy does not mean it's right....really sick of that argument. if literally everyone started just illegaly downloading albums and never buying them anymore... and movies, and books... do you realize what would happen? you think the economy in France or the US sucks right now? the licensing of Intellectual property via the sale of CD's, Books, and Movies is a MAJOR part of the economics of every non-third world nation. and the rights of the owners of said property are indeed protected by law.

now i'm not debating that it's retarded to not be "technically" allowed to take a dvd to a friend's house and watch it.... but i bet you've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for that either. and for good reason, it's just dumb and the MPAA knows it.... but that's a far cry from sharing illegal downloads of the same movie with millions of people over the "magical interweb".

i don't CARE what any of you do, or why you do it..... just don't sit around and try to justify it by saying it's a "gray area".... because if it inolves downloading copyrighted material from an ilicit source and not paying for it ever then there is nothing "gray" about it. it's straight up black and white. it's that kind of convenient (for the downloader) logic that just kills me. could you imagine catching someone in the process of stealing your car and having them say to you, "hey man, you shouldn't have made it so easy... you should have taken the wheels off".

whatever... do whatever you want.. i don't want to change your mind... just stop pretending it's "ok".

and i still think...

Well... Images also fall into the category of intellectual property... I mean, they
don't just appear out of nowhere right ? Have you checked who made the pictures
you embedded ? Did you pay that person, or even ask permission to use those
pictures ? Probably not... I'm not saying that downloading illegal things on the
internet is "ok" I'm saying it happens ALL THE TIME and y'all are having a very
hypocrite attitude towards it...

I've been stolen money on new year's eve "because" I left my wallet on the table
in the living room when I went to bed... I wasn't that pissed about 70 euro, I
know now I shouldn't have trusted friends of friends... If you get your car
stolen because you forgot your keys in it then people are gonna think you're
a fucking idiot... It's not wrong to be a fucking idiot, and just because you
are, you shouldn't automatically get your car stolen, but it tends to happen
that way...

We, I would assume everywhere, are starting to have this "take care of your
shit well, or you will be at fault" attitude... And if it applies to fucking idiots,
it should apply to labels, musicians, software designers as well...

Also, not all musicians view this mp3 "catastrophe" as bad, some (who are
fairly big, and who I (and probably you) know personally) are happy that their
music is on the internet...
now i'm not debating that it's retarded to not be "technically" allowed to take a dvd to a friend's house and watch it.... but i bet you've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for that either. and for good reason, it's just dumb and the MPAA knows it.... but that's a far cry from sharing illegal downloads of the same movie with millions of people over the "magical interweb".

just thought I'd lighten the conversation a little and say that a church in Georgia was threatened lawsuit for showing the Super Bowl on TV at mass. Just goes to show that the broadcast really cannot be shown without specific permission from the National Football League. :)
i say again: i don't care what you do... but there is no "gray area".. whether you are an idiot or not, the law is black and white. so if you forget your keys in your car should the police just laugh at you and leave? or should they invistigate it and put out a bulletin to watch for the car?

this is a very... VERY simple issue that i'm addressing... and it has ZERO to do with what any of us actually do in regards to downloading or linking images for Xst's sake...

it is a fact that it is illegal to download copyrighted material... and the owners have a right to prosecute, whether you like it or not. some will pursue it, others will not. that is their right by law. i am NOT passing judgement, just stating absolute fact. debate that if you want to.

and by the way...


So they don't air metal music on the radio here so i should go download all my favorite bands now:Smug:

Sopranos comes on DVD in a box called season 1, season 2, ext.... You can buy them right on the INTERNET like i did. Yea there like 80 bucks a pop but if you like the show or music or program whatever it may be support it and buy the dam thing!!!

Sorry to be a dick but i hate when people try and justify why they download illegal stuff:rolleyes:

I've got DVD box 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 part 1 all legal..but what I meant was..
When last year Sopranos started airing on the 1st of March, it will take till somewhere in 2008 or 2009 till it reaches the tv here...
It's strange here, the DVD box season 6 part 1 got released in december, while their only airing on tv season 4 now!!!!!!!

Same goes for te office, I ordered the first season of internet (from the US), same goes for Family Guy, I imported those DVD boxes from Canada (friends have send them to me). But on new episodes..I download...

I'm a huge DVD I buy my snizzle....I only download what I can't get here....or see here..

And allthough I know this is also ILLEGAL, I still do it, cause I'm not gonna wait 4 of 5 years till finally a TV station here buys the program in to air it here...

I can make a photo of all those DVD's if you want me to prove it :)
Oh dear I hope I havent joined in on this debate! :erk: :lol:
that is what i'm talking about.. lol.. people read/hear what they want to.... at NO point did i say i wanted to DEBATE ANYTHING... i do not care at all to debate whether one should or shouldn't download.. you are your own keeper. i personally do not and think that no one who wants to be a producer or artist should either, that's my personal obey the law... do as you will, not like i could stop you even if i were inclined to try, which i'm not... thus, no debate.

Copyright infringement is illegal though and what constitutes copyright infringement is very clearly stated in the laws against it. that is a fact, not debatable.... thus, no debate.

don't make me call the magical interweb authorities on ya now....
"Franks and Beans, Franks and Beans!"