anyone else bought the new S2.0 expansion pack?

got mine through yesterday

just finished installing it, haven't had a chance to drop these into a mix yet, but there is some DAMN nice snares in here. anyone else a victim of toontrack's strangely successful marketing technique where you end up buying all of their stuff?
Yeah Allaire and Hit Factory

been mucking about with it, running EZPlayer through it - I'm really fucking impressed. the implementation is absolutely top notch. plenty of options with mics, they have compressed tracks, mono room/oh tracks at different positions, distorted tracks and its very easy to manipulate. the drum sounds arent too aimed at metal again, but can definitely be tweaked that way. the main thing for me is these room sounds - incredible. getting some very deftones esque sounding drums very easily.

i wish steven slate drums could be done as an expansion - all the different room sounds and briscati verb thing thats coming would be awesome to control through the superior mixer. i can see myself using the toontrack stuff for midi creation as i like having the individual wav files to work with, as well as all the different room mic options etc and then use slate to replace if i want to. this toontrack stuff sounds a hell of a lot more realistic to me for midi creation stuff.
been playing with it more throughout the day - really loving the hit factory kits. With the higher tuned GMS snare and the room mics up you can get an awesome deftones esque snare. to me both of the rooms are sounding better than the avatar room although that may be because these are new and I'm not used to their sound yet