Anyone else have Stillwell Transient Monster?


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
I'm having a problem with this plugin that I never have had before.

TransientMonster is sitting on my tom bus, and I have oversampling switched on. Attack and Sustain are both at about 1-2 o'clock.

Certain tom hits (which do not clip on the audio track or any of the previous plugins in the chain like compressor and EQ) are causing TransientMonster to severely distort the sound. The problem is it seems random which hits are causing the clipping. And the amount of clipping changes seemingly randomly. One time the hit will be -3dB. Then I hit stop and play again and the same tom hit will be +7.8dB this time. Wtf?

Is this normal for TransientMonster? It seems like the output of the tom hit would be the same every time I play it through. Also, I thought TransientMonster didn't allow an output of anything over 0.0dB, but I could be mistaken.
Maybe I just never noticed this aspect of TransientMonster though
Inconsistent plugin performance on playback that doesn't have a time-dependent feature like an LFO is usually related to some minor change in the audio driver setup, such as latency, sample rate or bit rate, causing the DAW to send data buffers to the plugin in a way the plugin sucks at handling sporadically. It could also be that it would Always have happened if you were using over X% CPU and this is the first time your machine's this busy while using the plug, etc. If your DAW has plugin compatibility or "buggy plugin" modes, give those a shot, try reducing your CPU load, change your audio setup back if you tweaked it; reduce the variables in other words.
I've updated my audio interface driver since I last used Transient Monster. Could that be it? I tried increasing the buffer for the interface, it doesn't make a difference.

Also, Transient Monster seems to behave more "normally" the longer it has before a tom hits. Like, if I play the track 3 seconds before a tom hit, it's mroe likely to act weird and clip than if I start playback 10 seconds before the same tom hit.
How long is the Attack? I get that problem sometimes if I turn it the speed all the way up. So instead I turn it til it runs fine and then cut the sustain a bit to compensate.
Attack time is at the default. I think around 60? The developer said the plugin can indeed behave this way b/c of the way it's designed. If I understand it correctly, which I doubt I do, it adds gain based on perceived attack from an envelope filter. If the signal is very, very quiet before a huge hit, it raises the envelope even more and adds a whole bunch of gain which can clip the output

This is a bit annoying, b/c I just have a few random tom hits which are way louder than the others b/c of TM and are now clipping
why don't you put the loud hits on a new track and send that track to a different bus and put a separate instance of TM on that bus
I mean, all the hits are loud (but not over 0.0dB). The ones that cause TM to clip aren't especially loud. But that's an idea I could try. Maybe it will work
I've never had any problems like this with TM, but I usually compress the shit out of my drum bus so the volume is pretty consistent. Did you get on the Stillwell forums? The dude that makes these plugs is very helpful and usually responds to posts