Jul 31, 2012
So all of a sudden cubase decides to distort everything. It sounds as if something is clipping (when it's not). Even if I put a commercial song into my daw for mixing reference, it will distort it. But if I bounce out the files, and play it through's fine. This is the first time this ever happened to me
sounds like a buffersize issue, have you checked your soundcard / interface settings, perhaps the buffer rate is too low?
Are you using the control room? Check the connections (F4) to see if you have ports for the mains assigned in both the Output section and the Control Room monitor section. Cubase has a nasty habit of changing these settings now and then.
Found the problem!!! I pressed F4 and I saw that my outputs were going through "analog 1-2" instead of "analog 7-8". The 7-8 outputs are the ones I have my presonus central station running through. What a dumb mistake on my end. But thanks anyway guys!