studio monitor sounds b0rked, help me!?


Cat lover/Baritone fetish
Oct 10, 2009
my right-side studio monitor is messed up, and all the high end is distorted when it reaches moderately high volumes...

an example: when listening to distorted guitar tones with a good helping of highs and/or high mids, the right monitor will distort, and it sounds like the sound is clipping alot. if i pan it to the left, it´s totally fine. the sound isn´t clipping at all in the DAW, and it´s ONLY in the right speaker.

i´ve tried everything, and it happens as soon as it gets up to normal listening volumes. i´ve never played these monitors louder than normal levels, and i have actually turned down the maximum output level of my firewire interface so the loudest it can go isn´t too loud at all.

it´s really bothering me, since i use these for NEUTRAL UNCOLOURED MONITORING PURPOSES, ya know?

anyways, these are fostex pm1 mkII monitors. they sound awesome when not b0rked, so i really wanna fix this.

anyone here have a clue as to what i could do? i´ll open this sucker up and go to town with a soldering iron if i have to!
Does it distort on more than one song / album you are listening too? I suggest listening to multiple albums metal and non metal to see if it distorts. If so continue reading.

A couple of things to look at. 1. Could be interface or cable 2. It could be the amp. 3. Obstruction of the speaker. If it was a bad connection / coil it wouldn't work at all. I had to re-solder my HR824 tweeter that = no fun.

First, rule out your interface and cable. Unplug the good speaker enclosure from interface and connect it to the bad speaker enclosure. Does it work? Yes? happy times. No? Go to next step.
Second ,rule out the amp. The fostex PM1 MK2 are bi amplified remove the teeter and place it in the good amp/speaker enclosure. Does it work? Yes? laugh with glee. No? Go to next step.
Third, disassemble the tweeter and look for obstructions that could hit the cone. Did you find a bug / obstruction? Yes? feed it to your cats. No? Ask someone else for help.
Try switching the left and right cables around from the interface.
If the problem transfers to left speaker, its the interface.
If it doesn't transfer, try switching the cables from the speaker end around.
If the problem transfers to left speaker, its the cable
If it doesn't transfer, it's the speaker.
i´ve tried switching cable sides (entire cables, interface ends only, speaker ends only), and no matter which order i do it in, and no matter hich combination of connections i use, it´s always the one speaker. they are both set to the same volume on the back (they are active speakers), which is a medium-high setting that gives me good headroom while retaining a low noise level.

so really, there is nothing wrong with the setup, and the problem is exclusive to the one speaker only.

i´ll try opening it up and having a look around inside it later on. i´m thinking there could be something slightly damaged there, like the crossover or something...