Anyone else here like Scarve?


May 16, 2005
Reading, Berkshire
After reading that Sylvain is now playing for Soilwork I got all excited and put on my Scarve album and just remembered how insanely underrated they are.
Anyone into Soilwork (Dirk plays drums for them too) will probably know them already . Also for fans of Meshuggah and SYL

Sylvain is one of my fave guitarists. The solo in 'Mirthless Perspectives' is some of the most tasteful shred you'll ever hear

I've never met anyone else who's into them but I'm sure loads of people on this board must like them
Yeah I have 3 songs from the Irradiant album. Never looked into them after that because I got them ages ago, before I was into this style though I must say I was impressed, especially with the drumming. The drum sound is awesome too. Guitar work is fascinating too. Not too keen on the vox but they match the style.

Cool band, I'll check 'em out, thanks for reminding me about them again!
Yeah, I've got their last album and it's awesome - their older stuff is nowhere near as good though. I seem to remember they got caught up in a big scandal in France after some kids killed themselves and it was blamed on Scarve's negative lyrics.

And yeah, Mnemic's latest singer used to sing for them - he actually left halfway through the recording of the last album. But like Mnemic, they get through vocalists pretty quickly anyway... I think they used one session singer (they have two), and the other singer left after the album was released.

Yeah, I've got their last album and it's awesome - their older stuff is nowhere near as good though. I seem to remember they got caught up in a big scandal in France after some kids killed themselves and it was blamed on Scarve's negative lyrics.

And yeah, Mnemic's latest singer used to sing for them - he actually left halfway through the recording of the last album. But like Mnemic, they get through vocalists pretty quickly anyway... I think they used one session singer (they have two), and the other singer left after the album was released.


That dude's a sick vocalist, I might well end up checking their stuff out..
Yeah, those guys are the shit. Especially "Irridiant." I actually prefer Dirk's drumming in this band to his stuff in Soilwork.

Latest album = not so hot though. And it's a shame about losing both singers.
Yeah man, I own Irradiant. It's got some great stuff, and like you say - definite nods towards meshuggah.

Never got round to checking out their latest album, I heard reviews saying it wasn't quite as good but I probably should have checked for myself...
Hey, I come from Nancy, the hometown of Scarve and I used to hang with Patrick at some radioshow called Death Top way back then (95/96). I meet Dirk and Pierrick too, nice guys ! I used to interview them for a french zine for their second album.
I have their demo, their first self financed album (Six tears of sorrow) and their 3 albums. They have recorded their first album at 5 minutes from my house, funny ;-)
But, there never was a big scandal in France with Scarve lyrics, it's wrong, where did you get that shitty info, Suicide as an Alibi ?
And for me, it's a Neo Death metal with a Townsend vibe like an hybrid music. And I can't wait to hear them again.
Patrick is guitar teacher and Pierrick (now in PHAZM) is working in a music store in Nancy, I think.
Loïc, the bass player, was playing in Watcha (Neo Metal), and Dirk is the man ! He plays with Aborted, Sublime Cadaveric Composition, Headline, Manu Livertout Band, Warrel Dane, Art Sonic, Eostenem, Yyrkoon and so many others...
Fredrik Thordendal told me Dirk among other drummers are going to play on his new solo album. He even told me he have started to play drums himself. Also, Devin Townsend is gonna do some stuff on it and probably Matthas Eklund and Morgan pluss the mesh dudes too. When that album comes out it's gonna rip! i loved SNW3.33.
They played a festival that I organized here in Iceland a few years back, really nice dudes to hang out with. I feel really bummed out regarding the vocalists splitting and hope things are not too bad between them all. Irradiant is by far their best effort and one of my all time favorites - The mixing on The Undercurrent is flawed and draws from the albums impact, but some great moments on that album.

here's a video from the festival:
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Can't wait for the new Sol Niger Within !! When is it expected to be released ??

I wouldn't expect it until at least H2 2010. Meshuggah is still touring for the next 1 - 1,5 years for ObZen. And at Mesh forum, someone had asked Fredrik about a second Special Defects album, and he was just saying that he'd like to do it, but it's not a big priority.
Funny thing I just realized about the Undercurrent's mix. It sounds decent on headphones and my studio monitors, but I would definitely say it's not Bergstrand's best work. However, I'm bumping it right now on my home stereo and the mix absolutely kicks ass. It's just monstrous. Worthy of necro thread revival.