Anyone else sick of this?


Chuck Finley
May 19, 2012

Seriously, this is really getting on my nerves: People that think all there needs to be in metal is chugging and two-steps, and that glorify Djent.
I get you dude. Being a prog guy, I love traditional 6 string guitars doing anything but riding on the low end. My band plays in Drop B, but raility do we ever play a B, we are too busy playing something else higher and more intricate.

Fuck Djent
Fuck Crabcore
Fuck Metalcore
Fuck Riding on the low end
Fuck Jogging in place skinny jeans em-over hair androgynous bullshit!
I get you dude. Being a prog guy, I love traditional 6 string guitars doing anything but riding on the low end. My band plays in Drop B, but raility do we ever play a B, we are too busy playing something else higher and more intricate.

Fuck Djent
Fuck Crabcore
Fuck Metalcore
Fuck Riding on the low end
Fuck Jogging in place skinny jeans em-over hair androgynous bullshit!

I completely agree. I'm cool with a little chugging every once in a while, as long as it fits the vibe of the song, and is at least creative, but when a band's entire catalog of songs is simply "dunn dunn dunn dunn, SQWEEEEEEEEE!!!" "two step!" Then that just pisses me off. Put a little more effort, and thought into your music, instead of, "lets see what we can write in 30 minutes, with a terrible guitar tone." I've seriously heard people say that a good Djent tone is achieved by taking the EQ on the amp settings, and turning the bass down, and the mids and the highs all the way up. This is what i think of guitar tones, and the unoriginal, dry "Mush" that comprises that style of playing------> :puke:
I completely agree. I'm cool with a little chugging every once in a while, as long as it fits the vibe of the song, and is at least creative, but when a band's entire catalog of songs is simply "dunn dunn dunn dunn, SQWEEEEEEEEE!!!" "two step!" Then that just pisses me off. Put a little more effort, and thought into your music, instead of, "lets see what we can write in 30 minutes, with a terrible guitar tone." I've seriously heard people say that a good Djent tone is achieved by taking the EQ on the amp settings, and turning the bass down, and the mids and the highs all the way up. This is what i think of guitar tones, and the unoriginal, dry "Mush" that comprises that style of playing------> :puke:

I can take it a step further and say most local death metal bands fall into this as well. I always make fun of them as well. The drums with the slow blast beat like duh (pause) duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duuuuh duh...repeat then guitars do generic sweeps, then singer repeats with pig squeals. Every band, everysong all sounds the same, so FUCK EXTREME DEATH METAL AND BLACK METAL TOO!
I can take it a step further and say most local death metal bands fall into this as well. I always make fun of them as well. The drums with the slow blast beat like duh (pause) duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duuuuh duh...repeat then guitars do generic sweeps, then singer repeats with pig squeals. Every band, everysong all sounds the same, so FUCK EXTREME DEATH METAL AND BLACK METAL TOO!

Music is general is going down hill. For fuck sake's someone invented dubstep! Could you go any lower in music shityness? What's gonna be from commercials playing on the radio like in the movie Demolition man?
I can take it a step further and say most local death metal bands fall into this as well. I always make fun of them as well. The drums with the slow blast beat like duh (pause) duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duuuuh duh...repeat then guitars do generic sweeps, then singer repeats with pig squeals. Every band, everysong all sounds the same, so FUCK EXTREME DEATH METAL AND BLACK METAL TOO!

Do you judge the entire prog-metal scene based on your local bands?

If you do that's retarded, if you don't, then stop doing it for other genres.
I don't listen and do that kind of music, but as an influence it works for me to improve my kind of style, which is more based on melodies ( 90s Gothic Metal & Scandinavian Rock ). Melodic Metal tends to be a littlé to basic (?) regarding rhytm and sounds too oldschool, when not tuning down a bit and try do add something different. I think puttin' some elements of modern-style metal to it is a good mixture.
is any of the music being described in this thread even popular or relevant any more? i havent heard any of it in the last couple years besides djent. you guys are listening in the wrong places.
that's unfair... Comeback Kid are actually good.

Yeah I actually like Comeback Kid...

I agree I hate the whole metal scene with the young kids these days. But in all fairness, when I was 16, I loved some pretty horrible bands.

I just avoid them!
is any of the music being described in this thread even popular or relevant any more? i havent heard any of it in the last couple years besides djent. you guys are listening in the wrong places.

I think Carnilala has been browsing on youtube. I do hate topics like this, and one who starts this should be slapped in the face. But history repeats itself.

I got sick of death metal bands who suddently started playing soft and melodic cause paradise lost did this.
I got sick of the whole bunch of bands who suddenly wanted to sound like machine head and act like pantera.
I got sick of the whole lot of ppl shaving their head. I did this first back then.
I got sick of black metal wich claimed they werent political while ppl started take political flags to gigs.
I got sick of all those nu-metal bands, seems they didnt had autotune back the.
I didnt get sick of the whole bunch of fast death metal bands who wanted to sound like suffocation in some way, doing a poor job tho, but they generally disappeared after suffo came back.
I got sick of the local progressive death metalbands back then. They only crapped some jazzy shit between their lazy riffs. But all did the same thing.
I got sick of the loads of metalband who took a female singer and wanted to be like within temptation.
I got sick of those bands who started wearing a suit and sitting in some antique dining room.
I got sick of ppl only liking the old slayer, god hates us all was fucking brutal.
I got sick of band ads searching for musicians and saying they wanted to play death metal. Main influence: Aman Amarth
I didnt get sick of the whole bunch those band about wich this thread goes, i was able to ignore them.
I get sick these days of todays thrash kids, wearing shirts from bands wich didnt exist anymore from before they were born. Wearing clothes, having haircuts, even moving like thrashers back then.
I get sick of the revival of glam-rock/metal whatever guys with wrong haircuts and make-up.
I get sick if threads like these.
I get sick of myself seeing i typed so much, doing what i get sick off,

when i generally see something on youtube or whatever, and i feel a rant coming up after 20 secs, i click away.

Generally, do what Mago says.