Anyone else think Steve's recent stuff has been hit and miss


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I personally dont like all the Celtic sounding stuff he's been writing like Blood Brothers and The Clansman. You know, the slow soft intro with the Celtic sounding folky guitar lines. "Childhood's End" on FotD is just fucking horrible. I'm really dreading hearing more of this shite on the new album.
After hearing recently Bruce's solo stuff, and comparing it to Steve's recent stuff I have to say - Thank fuck Bruce and Adrian are back!
Everyone whinges at Blaze, but it was Steve's songwriting that killed the post Seventh Son albums for me, no matter who was singing or playing guitar.
Tormentor said:
I think it fits perfectly, really.
Next record will be interesting.
If you dread it, don't buy it.
It's simple.

You know, that's exactly the reason I didn't post this thread on the official Maiden board - they don't like you to have an opinion there either.
I dread hearing one, maybe two songs off the whole album, I'm sure I'll enjoy the rest.
Sorry I can't share your love of Steve's Celtic songwriting.
Did you ever hear The Clansman live?

I did, right after Dickinson gave a longer speach on freedom, fucking incredible! He talked for minutes about the freedom to choose to listen to the music that you like, the freedom to think what you want to think. You should have heard the crowd, they went crazy! Fucking amazing...
I personally really like Childhood's End, but then I clean out my ears regularly and overlook all the lineup snob bullshit.

If the Clansman sucked, they wouldn't play it live.
The Clansman may not suck to a lot of people - but I dont personally feel it's anywhere near as good as the older stuff. And Childhood's End - imagine that on Piece Of Mind or Killers??!! No chance!
It's not the riff, or choruses I don't like - just the little folky harmonies, I hate them! That and the horrible intro to Mother Russia, fucking hate that little tune - maybe it's all Janick's fault - they never did shit like that before he joined!
I don't know who's responsible for what in Maiden, but the "celtic" parts in Clansman were a nice touch. Blood Brothers is the one of he top five Maiden songs. And it was interesting that they put out a song like Angel & Gambler when they did. TTlblah was also different fror Maiden. Apart from that Maiden are turning to shit. Not as bad as Fotd though, but still if this is all they can manage, they should quit.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
You know, that's exactly the reason I didn't post this thread on the official Maiden board - they don't like you to have an opinion there either.
I dread hearing one, maybe two songs off the whole album, I'm sure I'll enjoy the rest.
Sorry I can't share your love of Steve's Celtic songwriting.
S okay. I'll have to respect your opinion. ;)
TakinTheMusicBack said:
The Clansman may not suck to a lot of people - but I dont personally feel it's anywhere near as good as the older stuff. And Childhood's End - imagine that on Piece Of Mind or Killers??!! No chance!
It's not the riff, or choruses I don't like - just the little folky harmonies, I hate them! That and the horrible intro to Mother Russia, fucking hate that little tune - maybe it's all Janick's fault - they never did shit like that before he joined!

Wow someone even managing to blame Steve's writing style on Jan - never ceases to amaze me the new and totally illogical ways people come up with to bash Janick.

Anyway on the subject of the thread, I much prefer his writing style now to all the stuff he did on Killers. I am a bit disappointed that he has a hand in basically everything on the new album simply because it shows the other band members are perhaps lacking creativity and inspiration.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
The Clansman may not suck to a lot of people - but I dont personally feel it's anywhere near as good as the older stuff. And Childhood's End - imagine that on Piece Of Mind or Killers??!! No chance!
It's not the riff, or choruses I don't like - just the little folky harmonies, I hate them! That and the horrible intro to Mother Russia, fucking hate that little tune - maybe it's all Janick's fault - they never did shit like that before he joined!

Excuse me if I sound bitchy, but Jan's been in the band for over a fucking decade now. Get over it, if his contributions weren't wanted they would have asked him to leave.

As for folky harmonies, your beloved Bruce wanted to do an acoustic driven album after Piece of Mind, the others said nope and went in the more traditional metally feel. What if there was a totally acoustic Maiden cd? Would you buy it and praise Bruce's 'genius' just because he isn't Steve or Janick?

As for bashing NPFTD, obviously you don't expect a band to change their style or songwriting over time based on personal events, lineup changes, or god forbid, wanting to experiment with different styles, patterns or moods of music. If every song was like The Trooper, Maiden would be a very boring band.
Rainking said:
Wow someone even managing to blame Steve's writing style on Jan - never ceases to amaze me the new and totally illogical ways people come up with to bash Janick.

Anyway on the subject of the thread, I much prefer his writing style now to all the stuff he did on Killers. I am a bit disappointed that he has a hand in basically everything on the new album simply because it shows the other band members are perhaps lacking creativity and inspiration.

Have you heard Bruce's solo albums? I suggest you go out and buy "Scream For Me Brazil" so you can see how much creativity Bruce and Adrian have.
As for you preferring the newer stuff to Killers - that's your opinion and I can respect that, but I think you'll be in the vast minority there. Killers is a classic, nothing Maiden have done since 7th son could be called that.
Lamia The Great said:
Excuse me if I sound bitchy, but Jan's been in the band for over a fucking decade now. Get over it, if his contributions weren't wanted they would have asked him to leave.

As for folky harmonies, your beloved Bruce wanted to do an acoustic driven album after Piece of Mind, the others said nope and went in the more traditional metally feel. What if there was a totally acoustic Maiden cd? Would you buy it and praise Bruce's 'genius' just because he isn't Steve or Janick?

As for bashing NPFTD, obviously you don't expect a band to change their style or songwriting over time based on personal events, lineup changes, or god forbid, wanting to experiment with different styles, patterns or moods of music. If every song was like The Trooper, Maiden would be a very boring band.

The Jan thing was a joke. o_OBruce wanted to do an acoustic album after Powerslave, not Piece. If there was a totally acoustic Maiden album I'd praise them for their creativity - just like Opeth with Damnation.
I don't have a problem with Maiden changing from The Trooper, NPFTD was simply a bad album compared to their other stuff, as was FoTD, X Factor and Virtual X1.

Lighten up people and stop acting like Metallica sheep who cant hear a bad word said against their favourite band. I love Maiden, but I don't like some songs - especially Steve's latest Celtic stuff. Okay?

I admit it's not totally his fault cos before Bruce and H came back he was the only real songwriter so obviously he would come up with some stuff not as good as NotB or Trooper.
Beast In Flames said:
What the fuck?!! That's bullshit! Childhood's End is one of Maiden's best songs ever!

And Steve has always been Maiden. Don't like his songwriting? Stop listening to the band. I have had no problem with what he's been doing.

Yeah well that's your opinion. Obviously though I'm not the only one who prefers the older stuff - hence the downward spiral in interest in Maiden since 7th Son...?
Don't worry man, you're not on your own here. ;) Celtic I can handle, but I just don't think Clansman is that great a song. For me, 90's Maiden = shit. And Blazeites should take note that I said 90's Maiden and not Blaze era Maiden. I hated Wolfsbane, and was gutted to find out that he was Bruce's replacement, but I never thought for a second he was the sole blame of the 90's debacle. :)