anyone ever hear of 80s/90s rockers LILLIAN AXE?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Ok, so the name is as stupid as it gets, and the band adopted the silly "hair band" image, but these guys rock!!!

I highly recommend that all metal fans seek out the true underground classics "Pyshoshizophrenia" and/or "Love and War". Both of these albums are pure gems.

Again, the band had the look of the glam/hair bands, but the music was anything but. In fact, I really don't know who I can compare them to. Their sound/songwriting was very unique.....epic, yet rocking. Not many bands like them on the scence back then.

Their guitarist/songwriter, Steve Blaze (typical hair/fluff/cheese metal moniker) is an amazing talent.

They released a 'reunion' live album in 2002 or 2003 which is among the best live records I've ever experienced.
Lillian Axe were cool. I kind of always think of Leatherwolf when thinking of Lillian Axe, they were a bit similar to me.... maybe bacause I got into both bands at about the same time.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Heard their name back in the 80's in magazines but never heard their music.. how would you describe the music? ...

It's hard to do. I can't think of anyone else that's close to them, or that they sound like.

But I'll try:
- it's highly melodic. The songs are filled with hooks....melody is the key to
Steve Blaze's songwriting
- it's heavy, but not in a Sabbathy way. Not quite sure how to explain it. There is heavy emphasis on guitar, of course.

I guess if you took "British Steel" era Priest, "Too Fast" era Motley Crue, "Back for the Attack" era Dokken and a healthy dose of Lennon/McCartney-esque feel for melody, you'd have something close to Lillian Axe.
SoundMaster said:
It's hard to do. I can't think of anyone else that's close to them, or that they sound like.

But I'll try:
- it's highly melodic. The songs are filled with hooks....melody is the key to
Steve Blaze's songwriting
- it's heavy, but not in a Sabbathy way. Not quite sure how to explain it. There is heavy emphasis on guitar, of course.

I guess if you took "British Steel" era Priest, "Too Fast" era Motley Crue, "Back for the Attack" era Dokken and a healthy dose of Lennon/McCartney-esque feel for melody, you'd have something close to Lillian Axe.

Sounds like something i would like... will have to put it on my To Get list... which album is best? ...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Sounds like something i would like... will have to put it on my To Get list... which album is best? ...

Either "Love and War" or "Psychschizophrenia". Although I doubt either are still in print. You might be able to find some used copies, however.

Actually, the more I think about it, I'd say "Psychoschizophrenia" is their best record. I hope you enjoy!
I'm not a fan of Lillian Axe. I have "Love and War" and just can't get into it, except for a couple of tracks. I don't know what it is... maybe just the melodies don't do it for me. There are a few bands like that where I don't really understand why I don't like them, so ultimately I'd say it just comes down to the melodies not being ones that my ears like to hear I spose. Not that anything is wrong with them but they just aren't what make me tick.