Anyone ever mixed in their car?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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I knocked up a rough mix for a band I recorded the other day that sounded pretty decent in the control room but suckkkked once I got out to the car... It dawned on my that I have an aux input on my car stereo and that I could easily hook up my laptop and mix in there :lol:

I'm away for business for 2 weeks so I can't give it a shot but I'm curious if anyone else has ever tried. I think it would be sort of fun :loco:
I started a mix in the house, and finished it in my car. It turned out awesome!
I guess if you spend a lot of time in your car listening to music it makes sense to reference there. I do it, but I put it on my ipod or thumbdrive and put it in my reciever.
Well, truthfully myself I don't listen to music at home nearly as much as I do in the car. I have nice speakers in there and it is eq'd just the way I like to listen to my music. My ipod is in there, so more than anything I know how music should sound there. My deck has a usb input. I don't refernece all my mixes there only stuff that matters. When I first did it It was a pain. I would have to burn a cd then go to my car, home theater, etc. but now that I have an ipod i don't need to spent $50 on cdr's for a mix...:) I might just be stupid tho cause everytime I get $800 I think... Hmmm... money for accoustic treatment... or... lots of beer and software or something... :loco:
Yup! I'll bring my laptop out to the car and plug a cable from the headphone jack to the aux in on my stereo to check things out after listening on monitors and phones first :)
I've just had bad experiences with another studio in the past. Sounded amazing in the control room got it home and the low end was literally not there. So i would almost feel like I am screwing someone if I did not at least check another system. Granted I only have one set of monitors... not including my phones and laptop speakers.
i started off mixing my bands full length in my room with my monitors/computer speakers/headphones etc and everytime i took it to another platform (car, or other speakers etc) it sounded totally wrong!

So i started from scratch, and mixed in the CAR only. Then when i tested it out on another platform (headphones, desktop speakers, etc etc) everything was sounding SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! I'd highly recommend mixing in a car!
Pimp my ride daw-style! The mixing console in a hidden compartment in the trunk hahaha
Sherlock, mixer cars are quite common :rolleyes:
