Anyone ever mixed in their car?

thats a great idea!!! :)
i frequently check my mixes in my car too, but i havnt came to the idea to mix it there! ha!!!

i like this approach, now i need a new car cd player with aux input :))

"recorded at bedroom, mixed in the car" haha :)




I've met the Bjorlers several years ago when The Haunted were touring for One Kill Wonder and also met Adrian when he was playing with CoF in the Midian era, never met Martin though. I flew to France to see them at Hellfest last year, got all my tickets and travel sorted and the next week they announced a Toronto date haha... Went to that as well of course! Best band of all time.



I've met the Bjorlers several years ago when The Haunted were touring for One Kill Wonder and also met Adrian when he was playing with CoF in the Midian era, never met Martin though. I flew to France to see them at Hellfest last year, got all my tickets and travel sorted and the next week they announced a Toronto date haha... Went to that as well of course! Best band of all time.


Me and my mate went on a drive once and i decided to get my laptop out, we plugged it into the Aux on the stereo and we made a silly song on garageband. Was great fun!
Yeah dude, they don't fuck around with drunk driving here - I support strict punishments for drunk drivers, but I also think .08 is fucking pathetically low, and you can actually get a DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired) with as low as .05, and that's still a fuckload of fines and insurance premium hikes. Of course, it's never a problem if you don't get pulled over! ;)
Here in Norway it's a zero tolerance (as I think it should be) on drinking and driving. The limit is 0.5 if I remember correctly, and if you're caught, you'll more than likely lose your drivers license and get a big fucking fine.

If you have a drink, leave the car at home. Easy.