Anyone ever see Nighwish live?


Death Be Not Proud
Jan 15, 2010
Dickson City, Pa
I know most of you would probably call me a fag for asking but have any of you ever seen Nightwish live? They are my girl friends favorite band and they had a few songs that i though were alright... that is until I saw them live. We saw them last spring in NYC. I have never heard 5 people sound so big on one stage. I never realized how hard this band rocked until then. The albums just don't do them justice. Since then I have bought everyone of their albums for myself. Any other fans out there?
Not a fan, but I do have a dear friend in that band. They have many secrets when play live. They do play live, but their biggest secret is the FOH Engineer.
Saw them some times. Great musicians is the main secret. IMO the worst thing about that band is the singers. I prefer when the bassist sings.

I even interviewed the keyboardist and Tarja before their first time in Spain, for the Kerrang magazine. They were playing in a small venue supporting RAGE in 1999 or so... I was astonished because they were young and not very into metal, they had never listen to Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath!!
They sounded pretty good when I saw them when they were last down (last year I think).

I would suggest that they have some amount of backing tracks as the keyboardist didn't look as busy as you'd expect given the material.
The bassist doses have an awsome voice. He has a side project called "Tarot" they are a little heavier than nightwish but he is the lead sing. very cool.
They sounded pretty good when I saw them when they were last down (last year I think).

I would suggest that they have some amount of backing tracks as the keyboardist didn't look as busy as you'd expect given the material.

As you correctly assumed, they do use backing tracks that go together with their live signal. They all use In Ears with click tracks on it and their playing is pretty much calculated before, not room for jamming, etc.

I don't know very much about live PA stuff, but what I know is that the drums are doubled by the triggered signal that comes out from them, then highly compressed and panned for a solid sound. Keys are pretty much backing tracks, especially for the orchestral parts, Tuomas doesn't need to be a musician on stage as much as a showman. The guitar is splitted in A/B, miced by two 4x12 cabs, I saw a GMajor and some other rack units such as vitalizer and preamp unit (from some distance on stage though). On the FOH its using two tracks, panned and compressed. Vocals have the same treatment.

I was suspecting once they use the "Live CD" method, but now I dont know. But I saw PAIN using this method. Live CD means playbacking your best recorded and played live gig under your live playing.

@rfahey86 - marco is my friend, hopefully we'll see each other again this summer at the 15th World Air Guitar Championships in Oulu. Emails are not enough.
The bassist doses have an awsome voice. He has a side project called "Tarot" they are a little heavier than nightwish but he is the lead sing. very cool.

I just have to add - Tarot rocks:headbang::headbang::headbang:
I´ve seen the Wishmaster tour, 2001 I guess. It was with Tarja on the vocals and Sami on the bass. Awesome musicians, some sick riffs. They would be better with only the male vocalist, just like Lacuna Coil.
What???? The male vocalist in Lacuna Coil is fucking HORRID and ruins the songs for, half the time. He just stands in the back and randomly adds this retarded shouting, unless I am completely out of my mind?

This. It's so stupid. The band would be fucking awesome with just Cristina.
Not a fan, but I've seen them at least once. Sounded pretty good. Much better than most of the bands I've seen live.
The bassist doses have an awsome voice. He has a side project called "Tarot" they are a little heavier than nightwish but he is the lead sing. very cool.

Side project? They've only been together since around 1985 (few years earlier actually, but under a different name)...

There's few songs on their Myspace at

On topic, I saw a glimpse of Nightwish (song or two) back in 2001 at a midsummer festival. Although I like them, I think that was the only time I can see them live... Not that I don't want to, but their shows have become few and far between around here.
I saw them back in 2008 and they kicked ass. They do know how to put on a good show. They definitely do have a very polished and tight sound live.

What???? The male vocalist in Lacuna Coil is fucking HORRID and ruins the songs for, half the time. He just stands in the back and randomly adds this retarded shouting, unless I am completely out of my mind?

THIS!!! Andrea sucks so bad, I can't believe they continue to let him sing, all he does is slaughter the songs even on the albums to and you know that they are poshing him up a lot with autotune and the works and he still just sounds horrid!
I saw them in 2001, pretty stright forward equipment, random drums (rented from a local band at last hour cause the original rented drums didn´t make it) marshall half stack, the kind of gig probably everybody`s band here have been through, my band were supposed to open for them but the gig was delayed and just the main act showed up.

I saw Tarja`s underwear, no joke, her pants were ripped from that particular area, sexy white pantys with color lines.
What???? The male vocalist in Lacuna Coil is fucking HORRID and ruins the songs for, half the time. He just stands in the back and randomly adds this retarded shouting, unless I am completely out of my mind?

I really dig his vocals on the verses. Fits well the style of the band on songs like Swamped, Daylight Dancer and Self Deception.