Anyone Fancy Mastering A Track?


Mar 9, 2009
I'm no use at Mastering, my ghetto mastering is beyond balls!

I've got a track I'm working on just now and wonder if anyone fancied having a go at it for me?
It's uploading... Should be ready in about twenty mins.

While I'm waiting, I'll tell you how this came about.

A local band won some free recording time down in Glasgow(Scotland) and they recorded 4 tracks. They waited months for the final mixes and nothing came through so they just took the Pro Tools sessions. I got the original mixes and they were all over the place, very messy and sounded abysmal(mine might not be much better, but they sound a million times better than the guy at the studio).

I replaced some of the drums, re-did the bass with Ampeg SVX and just recorded some guitars yesterday with the Pod XT Pro.

So here it is now... do your worst..

When it's uploaded obviously!
Any other pointers would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind if you rip the mix to pieces... :) cheers
well, my thoughts:

- try to make the mix already sound as good as possible
- the vocals could be more on top
- the chorus is really cluttered and the volumechanges in it are really disturbing and I think that the vocals get buried under the guitars in it
- too much reverb on drums, the kick for example in my opinion doesn't require any
- the low mids are pretty cluttered, and if you try to get it uncluttered in the whole mix, it makes the whole mix too thin, so try to fix it in the separate elements
- where is the bass guitar?
Superb, thanks very much, I'll get on the case.

As for the bass, I had the bass booming so I cut the bottom end out of it which has obviously made it vanish. I'll fix that too. I appreciate the criticism :)