Anyone feel like puking?

Well I had to flip her upside down to suggest ass-sex, MSPaint isn't advanced enough (read: I'm too stoopid) to do the whole thing correctly.
totally off topic ... but interesting stuff considering the huge losses of GM and Ford announced in the last few weeks.
BMW must be doing something right ...

BMW Group Posts Record Revenues for 2005
Sections: Official News Jan 27th, 2006
The BMW Group has grown faster than the market as a whole and faster than all relevant competitors in the financial year 2005 and has achieved new record figures for sales volume and revenues. Group revenues rose by 5.2% to euro 46,656 million (2004: euro 44,335 million). Revenues of the Automobile segment increased by 7.8% to euro 45,861 million (2004: euro 42,544 million). The Motorcycles segment recorded revenues of euro 1,223 million (+18.9%; 2004: euro 1,029 million). Revenues of the Financial Services segment increased by 14.4% to euro 9,408 million (2004: euro 8,226 million).

With 1,327,992 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand cars sold in 2005, the BMW Group beat the sales volume record set in the previous year by 9.9% (2004: 1,208,732 cars).

Earnings forecast 2005
In the light of this positive performance, Helmut Panke, Chairman of BMW AG’s Board of Management, confirms the earnings forecast for 2005: “The adverse external factors - unfavourable exchange rates, high raw material prices and intense competition - which we reported from the very beginning of the year have been largely offset by increased sales volume and internal efficiency improvement measures. For the financial year 2005, we will therefore achieve approximately the previous year’s high earnings level.”

Sales volume outlook for 2006
The BMW Group will continue to pursue its successful product initiative in the future. Thanks to the strong range of brands and products, further growth potential is forecast for the current year: “We expect the BMW Group to remain on growth course in the financial year 2006. Our aim is to increase sales volume yet again and once again set a new record”, Panke stated.

Capital expenditure remains at a high level
Capital expenditure in 2005, at euro 3,993 million, remained at a high level, decreasing by 8.1% (2004: euro 4,347 million). Capitalised development costs recognised as assets in accordance with IAS increased to euro 1,396 million (+24.5%; 2004: euro 1,121 million). A total of euro 2,597 million (-19.5%; 2004: euro 3,226 million) was invested in property, plant and equipment and in intangible assets.

Workforce remains constant
At the end of 2005, the BMW Group had a worldwide workforce of 105,798 employees, similar to the high level one year earlier (-0.2%; 31 December 2004: 105,972 employees). The number of trainee positions, at 4,464, remained the same as at the end of the previous year.

Production volume increased
As a result of the higher level of sales volume, the BMW Group also achieved new record figures in production volume terms: in total, 1,323,119 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand cars were manufactured, an increase of 5.8% (2004: 1,250,345 units). More than 50,000 BMW 3 Series cars were manufactured at the new Leipzig plant between March 2005, when series production commenced, and the end of the year.

Automobiles: all brands achieve new sales volume highs
The sales volume of all brands reached record levels in 2005. The BMW Group is therefore the most successful supplier of premium cars in the world. With its core model series (the 3, 5 and 7 Series), the BMW brand was the frontrunner in 2005 in each of the relevant segments.

1,126,768 BMW brand cars were sold in 2005, surpassing the previous year’s level (1,023,583) by 10.1%. “This growth reflects the strength of the BMW brand product portfolio and highlights the underlying strength of our worldwide sales organisation”, commented Mr. Panke. With a total of 149,493 units sold, the BMW 1 Series enjoyed extremely high demand in its first full year of production (2004: 39,247 units). The BMW Group’s best-selling car, with 229,932 units sold, was the new 3 Series Limousine, which was introduced onto the market in March 2005 and accounted for 17% of the total sales volume for 2005. In total, 434,342 units of the BMW 3 Series were sold worldwide in 2005. This means that the previous year’s sales volume was almost matched (-3.4%; 2004: 449,732 units) despite the model changes of the two best-selling models, the 3 Series Limousine and the 3 Series Touring. With 228,389 units sold in 2005, the BMW 5 Series also came close to achieving the previous year’s high level (-0.5%; 2004: 229,598 units). The number of BMW 6 Series cars sold rose by 10.9% to 23,340 units, well above the previous year’s level (2004: 21,040 units). In the luxury class, a total of 50,062 BMW 7 Series cars were delivered to customers (2004: 47,689 units), an increase of 5.0%.

The BMW X3 recorded strong growth: the number of Sports Activity Vehicles delivered rose by 20.0% to 110,719 (2004: 92,248) units. The BMW X5, in its sixth year since market launch, also remained much sought after, and with 101,537 vehicles sold, almost achieved the previous year’s high level (-3.3%/104,988 units). In total, almost 535,000 BMW X5 vehicles have been sold since market launch in December 1999. The sales volume of the Z4 in 2005, at 28,808 units, was below the previous year’s level (-25.1%; 38,483 units). The BMW Group presented the revised model of this Roadster in January at the Detroit Auto Show. The new Z4 Coupé will come onto the market at the middle of 2006.

For the first time, more that 200,000 MINI brand cars were sold in a single year, with the number of cars delivered increasing by 8.7% to 200,428 (2004: 184,357) units. The product mix of the closed version of the MINI and of the MINI Convertible increased in value again compared to the previous year. The brand’s top model, the MINI Cooper S, recorded the most pronounced growth, with sales volume rising by 25.8% to 56,916 (2004: 45,246) units or 28.4% of the total sales volume of the MINI. The MINI Cooper remained the most popular model with a sales volume of 89,079 units (+1.4%; 2004: 87,875 units) or 44.4% of the total sales volume of the MINI. 54,433 or 27.2% of customers opted for the starter model, Mini One (+6.2%; 2004: 51,236 units).

The Rolls-Royce brand confirmed its position at the top of the absolute luxury class. 796 Phantoms were delivered to customers, slightly more than the 792 sold in the previous year.

Motorcycles sales volume also increases significantly The Motorcycles segment was also able to achieve growth on the back of its new models: the sales volume for the full year rose by 5.6% to 97,474 (2004: 92,266) units.

Financial Services still on growth course The BMW Group expanded its activities in the Financial Services segment and remained on growth course in 2005. The volume of new retail customer contracts rose by 13.2% to euro 23,507 million, and hence reached a new record level (2004: euro 20,759 million). At 41.1%, the proportion of new BMW and MINI cars financed by the Financial Services segment in 2005 was marginally lower than in the previous year (2004: 42.0%).

BMW Group Press
Basically about how GM is fighting an uphill battle and despite as well as they're doing these days (in everything from factory safety to quality vehicles) Toyota stays on the media's good side and gets a free pass when it fucks up. When Toyota fucks up the media says "Well, that was odd, but they still make great cars." but when it's GM the they say "Well, that wasn't odd, GM sucks."
then there are totally assinine policies like this ... from CNN Money today ...

Ford bans competitors' vehicles from lot
Firm's Dearborn Truck Plant will require employees to drive a Ford or park across the street.
January 27, 2006: 10:53 AM EST

NEW YORK ( - Employees at Ford's Dearborn Truck Plant in Dearborn, Mich., will have to drive Ford Motor Co. vehicles to work or park across the street, the plant manager announced earlier this week.

The new parking policy, which is scheduled to take effect Feb. 1, was instituted by plant manager Rob Webber just as Ford reported losses of $1.6 billion from its North American auto operations in 2005 and Monday announced plans to close 14 plants and cut 30,000 jobs as it tries to reverse losses and respond to declining U.S. market share.

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Ford Motor is closing plants across North America and cutting thousands of jobs. CNN's Ali Velshi reports (January 23)
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The Dearborn Truck Plant, which represents one portion of the Rouge facility, has 2,600 union employees and makes the F-150 pickup truck, the best selling vehicle in the United States.

A Ford spokesman told CNNMoney the company supported the move, although it had not been extended to the other North American manufacturing facilities.

Officials with UAW Local 600, who backed the announcement, are scheduled to conduct talks with management next week to finalize the details and discuss expanding the ban across the entire Rouge facility, union president Jerry Sullivan told CNNMoney.

"There has to be something put in place to grab people's attention and to make a statement that this is a serious thing," said Sullivan, whose union represents approximately 8,000 workers at the larger Rouge complex. "It's up to us to stand up and do what is right and to drive a vehicle from the company you work for."

The Dearborn Truck Plant parking policy will allow vehicles made by non-U.S. Ford brands such as Mazda, Volvo and Land Rover, Sullivan said.

The Detroit News, which first reported the story Friday, said the new parking policy in Dearborn was embraced by factory employees at a meeting to discuss the auto manufacturer's latest restructuring plan,

But one plant employee, who did not want to be quoted, told the paper he wasn't happy he would no longer be able to drive his Chrysler to the factory.

"They can't tell you how to spend your money," said one veteran tradesman. "It's still a free country." He said he got a better deal on his Chrysler than he could on a Ford.

"I got to go where I can get the most bang for my buck," he said.

Another Dearborn Truck employee told the newspaper he approved the move, though.

"You buy what you build," said Rufus McWilliams. "That only makes sense."

The Detroit Truck Plant opened in 2004 as part of the $2 billion renovation of the company's 1,100-acre Rouge facility, the paper reported.
How funny I didn't even catch that Playboy article. I usually read the articles, or at least skim over them.