I'm a chronic insomniac, so I work best whenever I'm least tired Generally I'm more of a night person though - which is okay for editing/rough mixing/song-writing, but not all that great for recording...
Most definately the opposite. I pretty much always record and write songs at night; I'm most active usually from midnight to about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.
Then again, I think I have delayed sleep phase syndrome or whatever. My circadian rhythm seems to be much later than what's "normal".
most definitely work better in the mornings/day. I get up around 6 or 7am everyday because of this. I get most of my mentally challenging work done before 3pm then I teach for the rest of the day (3 days a week so I totally agree
I fully agree... I do my best work, mixes or writing, when I'm fresh and just out of the shower/dressed or something. I feel best that time of day anyway, unless I'm drunk and that's a different story.
Shit part: for the last 2 years I've had classes at 7am and this summer has seen me working to 11 at the minimum, so I've been sleeping in til 10 or so. I find that even if I've just woken up, if it's past 10:30 or 11 when I start doing shit... just isn't the same.
It's weird, I'm good for maybe 3 hours of the morning at most, soon as even early afternoon comes, I feel like shit and can't be bothered, so just go out for a walk, or whatever
Come back around 6pm, start feeling musically active again.
i have noticed i work far more productively and produce better work in mornings than later in the day. this also applies to days where im not doing anything music related in the mornign and working later in the day.
Same here. I love gettin up, having some coffee, checkin on the days agenda then spending a couple hours playing till around early afternoon then going about all my other things. Unfortunately, I rarely get to do this.
I'll start getting stuff done in the mornings once I get an AC hooked up in the apartment. At the moment, its so fucking hot and humid I can't really stand to be in the place. Kentucky FTW for humidity. I swear, its so humid I don't even have to put the brown sugar up.
But yeah, I've slowly been getting to be a morning person. Though, I still enjoy nights as well.
I believe the early morning in good for getting ideas going or maybe setting up some stuff or templates and maybe messing around with the ideas. The afternoon is break time for whatever you have to do. Then the evening is for approaching the material again and maybe fine tuning some things.