anyone find they work better in mornings?

i have noticed i work far more productively and produce better work in mornings than later in the day. this also applies to days where im not doing anything music related in the mornign and working later in the day.

with bands starting at 9 always feels like we get more done in an 8 hour day, compared to starting at 10 and doing an 8 hour day.

also with mixing and reamping, my ears seem to be more sensitive in mornings and I just feel like I find it easier to get the results im after.

im starting to do kind of listening based stuff in mornings where possible and editing later on in the day, but obviously depends on the circumstances.
Absolutely. I always enjoy mixing and working on songs alot more in the morning/mid day. Recording/tracking as well, but I tend to goof around more and waste more time in morning as well, so.. :D
Most definately the opposite. I pretty much always record and write songs at night; I'm most active usually from midnight to about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.

Then again, I think I have delayed sleep phase syndrome or whatever. My circadian rhythm seems to be much later than what's "normal".
Most definately the opposite. I pretty much always record and write songs at night; I'm most active usually from midnight to about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.

Same thing here. I always go to sleep at 4-5 am and I wake up around 12-1 pm. I'm definately most productive during the evening.

When I have school I can't do that though :(
Most definately the opposite. I pretty much always record and write songs at night; I'm most active usually from midnight to about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.

Then again, I think I have delayed sleep phase syndrome or whatever. My circadian rhythm seems to be much later than what's "normal".

sa,e here
I tend to always work at night as well... have no idea why... I have all my schedules fucked up, I can only go to sleep at like 5am... from 23pm to 5am that's where I can get most work done : p
what do you late nighters do for jobs/noise/social/regular life?

i guess im just somewhat conditioned to be up in mornings (and id feel weird telling a band to come record in the middle of the night)

I work 30 hours a week, 4pm to 10pm 5 days a week. I live in an apartment and luckily I rarely hear my neighboors during the morning, so they never awake me.

During school it is a whole different story though. I work only 15 hours a week, I have to go to sleep around 1-2am when I have school at 8 am. I live 10 min from school, so I only wake up at 7h45 am and walk to school haha.

If I have a band to record, most of the times we'll record during afternoon or evening, but I don,t mind waking up at 7 am when it is for something fun :)
what do you late nighters do for jobs/noise/social/regular life?

i guess im just somewhat conditioned to be up in mornings (and id feel weird telling a band to come record in the middle of the night)

Currently I'm doing nothing but having a summer vacation (couldn't find a summer job, damn economy :() so it's easy to maintain this sleep rhythm. When I'm working or studying, I just never really manage to get enough sleep on weekdays, which obviously sucks. For noise, I just keep my monitor levels really low, or use headphones when tracking. Doesn't really affect my social and regular life, obviously I'm often late in the mornings because I tend to oversleep because of the lack of sleep and I might be really tired sometimes, but that's about it.

In my case at least, it's not a choice, it's just impossible for me to maintain a circadian rhythm that's considered normal :erk:
haha im just curious - like i think it would be cool if all my mates were up at that time too but i think they'd stop being buddies with me if i only saw them in nocturnal hours!

Haha, well my friends have the same routine, except they miss more classes during school because they are too lazy to wake up :lol:
oh yeah, songwriting too, im best in morning/early afternoon

Holy shit.. im the complete opposite.

When i wake up i cant even stand metal, rock or anything that is loud.. all i can tolerate is classical music and that's it for the first hour or so when i just got up.

Then it's work, and when i get back home it's getting better and kind of want to write music then.. it really starts to flow after midnight for some reason, and i often find myself in the situation where i wonder where that bird chatter is coming from.. only to find out i've been writing and mixing till 5 in the morning.. :lol:
How the fuck do you pay it man? I really don't understand since you don,t have any job. I'm starting to think you,re doing some nasty things :loco:

im a lady of the night
but naw
i have generous friends
Holy shit.. im the complete opposite.

When i wake up i cant even stand metal, rock or anything that is loud.. all i can tolerate is classical music and that's it for the first hour or so when i just got up.

Then it's work, and when i get back home it's getting better and kind of want to write music then.. it really starts to flow after midnight for some reason, and i often find myself in the situation where i wonder where that bird chatter is coming from.. only to find out i've been writing and mixing till 5 in the morning.. :lol:

I hate these birds. If my windows are open I hear them and I can't sleep. If I close my windows then I don't really hear them, but it's too hot in my room.:cry:
i guess with songwriting i feel like as the day goes on im more tired and my focus tends to drift.....i find i need to be really like concentrated/buzzing/awake to write most of the time.

also, kind of related - when i was at uni i could write practically nothing....just couldnt get into the right mindset. as soon as im in the studio songs pour out, really weird.
I feel you man, I have the same.
Get up at 8 and out of bed for the world at 15:00 or something.
Very prodcutive , and like you said, the ears are more sensitive.

If I have to work I usually get up at 7 and get home around 3 - 4.
I notice I'm not as productive/inspired in the midday/evening.

Must say that playing the guitar seems to go better in the evening/night :Smokin: