Reamping with software?


big floppy donkey dick
Oct 14, 2007
Grafton, MA
I'm sorry if there's already a similar thread (too lazy to check)...
BUT my point is that does anyone have experiences of doing reamping with softwares like GuitarRig or Amplitube etc?
I'm starting to record album with my band and the only tool we have for reamping is softwares, but we could use some cheaper non-tube heads (Peavey XXL, some cheap Marshalls too) in case it works better that way, than reamping with software?
If someone has some sorta clip of software based reamping, I'd be glad to hear it!

I did this with Guitarsuite.

And also, don't be so fucking lazy, use the search, it's virtually a rule here, and you'll get a lot of shit off people if you don't make the effort to search first.

Edit: Sorry if I sound like a dick, but I'm just saving you from getting lynched later on, everyone here is great as long as you make some effort with your own posts.
I have used guitar rig 2 to reamp a di bass track. Sounded awesome to be fair.
I even let people listen to it asking them what they thought of my new ampeg 8x10 stack lol. They were completely fooled and thought it sounded great. Told them later it was software and not an amp.

Sure. It´s - like always - a question of how you define a term.
For me, a plugin stays a plugin, and an amp stays an amp.:heh: