Anyone go to the gig at Räntämetalli 12.11.2005?

Been there, seen that.
As always, guys rocked my head off! It sure was worth of travelling 1100 kilometers. Set was filled with fast stuff, like Bird Of Ill Omen, Swamphell, Hollow Heart, Hades etc. One new song was played also, like Antti told in the studio diary. New stuff rocks. Hell yeah!
Charmiss said:
Been there, seen that.
As always, guys rocked my head off! It sure was worth of travelling 1100 kilometers. Set was filled with fast stuff, like Bird Of Ill Omen, Swamphell, Hollow Heart, Hades etc. One new song was played also, like Antti told in the studio diary. New stuff rocks. Hell yeah!

I'd drive 400,000 miles from USA to see them... if there wasnt any oceans in the way. You should of filmed them playing, I'd love to see them live. I dont think Kalmah would have a big problem with bootlegs of their shows, since they don't have any plans for releasing a DVD or touring anywhere else besides Finland.
Thanks Kuisma! I was bit insecure about the order of the songs. And when one starts to hesitate even the played songs started to seem absurd... Thanks for clearing stuff up gorgeous ;)