Anyone going to the Ensiferum gig in london on the 6th?

People. Seriously. Tracedawn the support band > pwn Ensiferum nowadays. Their latest album Ego Anthem is fucking solid.
I wish I could go soley for them. Dammit being so far away. Its like 10 hours travel there and back for me. So fuck that shit. DERP

I'm not going to say they're bad, but I can see the generic part you're referring to. They don't stand out as much as bands like Kalmah, and Eternal Tears Of Sorrow from the same genre.
I'm not going to say they're bad, but I can see the generic part you're referring to. They don't stand out as much as bands like Kalmah, and Eternal Tears Of Sorrow from the same genre.

Ofc but they are leet bands :kickass:. Listen to their new album. Its got some great tunes on it. Dirt Track Speedball, The Foresaken and Your way is not for me are ace. IMO its probably the best album (I've heard) thats come out this year.
I'll give it a listen if it's that good then. I heard one song by them I liked, I just wasn't paying attention at the time I heard it =S
You're all bashing Petri, I went to this Gig.... It fucking rocked.

Iron and Ensiferum are incredible albums. I wish the other two were of the same quality, they arn't, its a shame. Either way it was a kick ass gig imo.