Anyone going to the philly show?

That show kicked so much ass! I had a blast. It was incredible. Especially all the solos. COB was a FUCKIN STORM! the only dissapointment was that they didn't play anything off of something wild or the song kissing in the shadows! But whatever - Amon Amarth kicked ass too but I wish their set was longer.

Trivium I think were ok - I felt bad for them - I mean I think their singer and bassists are emo as hell but the rest of the band seems cool - I had never really heard any of their stuff before - o man that was so funny when he got pissed off at the guy for spitting on him - I wanted to punch him in the face but he was already making a pussy of himself when he was saying things like "from the front to the back I wanna see you all jumpin." I was right infront of the people shouting you suck in the back. some kid behind me - his voice kept cracking - i wanted to punch the little sissy in the face. That's the problem with american bands like lamb of god, shadows fall, and trivium - they always say stuff and they think theyr sounding cool, but COB and Amon Amarth are humble about it and thats what makes them great - you dont see them saying "I want the crowd to do something so Ill give them orders" - they just go with the flow and make good comments on what's going on in the crowd.

And to top it all off - I GOT 2 KICK ASS DEMOS BY LOCAL BANDS! The Todesfaust demo, East of Eden, is fucking amazing. I saw other kids had little promo things and I felt bad for them cause the whole demo is pretty sweet. The other band Infernal Stronghold is pretty sweet also - made me wanna listen to darkthrone more and more. They are brutal as fuck too.
I recorded a video clip of the duel between janne and alexi! The video is teeny but the sound is surprisingly good. for legal resons I don't know if I should post it here. AIM me: plaidlightbulb

also, i'm pretty sure that cameras aren't allowed at the troc, but there are always ways around that.

during trivium I was hanging around in the back and there was a group of people there who obviously hated trivium, they were very funny. at one point the trivium fans were all chanting something monosyllabic i couldn't discern, but then those people in the back started their own chant... "STOP! STOP! STOP!"

i couldn't beleive how much trivium sucked and how short amon amarth's set was.
M. said:
also, i'm pretty sure that cameras aren't allowed at the troc, but there are always ways around that.

We checked with the venue and a bouncer and cameras were allowed, as long as they weren't big ones with all layers of zoom and shit like the pro's use.
I apologize if I beat the shit out of any of you. I probably thought you were Trivium fans if I did.

But yeah...thanks times a million for the recording and pictures, guys. If anyone else has anything, please post! Once I have mine developed, I'll have them up.
i was there up in the front got to see amon amarth which was fuckin sick...i was up there yellin at trivium and flipin em off cuz they blow but when Bodom came on it made up for shit ass trivium being there....amazing show to say the least cant wait to see them again
Trivium's singer is a nice person. I don't think any band deserves to be spit on or boo'ed. It doesn't get you anywhere, it lessens the respect for the crowd as a whole from the other bands' points of view, and it's just fucking stupid. They're not gonna leave the stage because of your chanting. How would you feel if you were playing a major show and the whole crowd started chanting like that. Yes, I know, you're gonna say you would deserve it if you sucked that bad... but.. Trivium has REAL fans, a ton of people actually love the band, it just wasn't completely the right crowd for them. Show some respect regardless of whether you like the music or not.